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"excuse me?"

during hoseok and yoongi's daily cuddling session, hoseok broke the news.

"i want something different, yoongi."

hoseok fumbles with his fingers. he's always been the more timid one in the relationship, leaving the dominant side to yoongi. yoongi made most of the decisions, including where to eat, what to watch, etc.

yoongi grabs ahold of hoseok's hands.

"what kind of change?"

although hoseok has always been taller than his boyfriend, he continued to let him be the more powerful figure.

"i just want a break from the same thing all the time, you know?" hoseok recites what he practiced with jimin.

"like, from me?" yoongi had a small amount of self confidence and it was clear in looking at him. he always assumed in the back of his mind that hoseok would leave him.

"no! of course not, baby." hoseok spits his words out quickly, looking into his boyfriend's eyes. "i just meant, maybe we could use a vacation. something new?"

yoongi snuggles his face into his boyfriend's hair that held the familiar smell of strawberries and vanilla.

"maybe." yoongi mumbles. he wasn't truly considering the idea. a vacation was incredibly risky and could take precious time away from his job and more importantly, his music.

"i was just talking to jimin about it," yoongi huffs. of course, it was the coffee boy. "and he thinks that it would be a good idea. we do the same thing everyday, lovey."

yoongi hums while kissing the top of hoseok's hair.

"how was work?" yoongi asks, finally breaking the silence.

hoseok immediately gets up leaving yoongi cold and lonely. "why can't we do something that i want for once?!"

yoongi is shocked. did hoseok really just yell at him?

"hoseok, baby. we do what you want all the time!" yoongi stands as well, making sure to keep his distance. you don't touch hoseok when he's aggravated unless you're one of his students or a stranger, it was just something you didn't do.

"no, we don't! you do what you want and assume that i want to do it as well!"

"are you seriously this angry over a vacation?" yoongi was caught in a permanent state of surprise. was this real life?

"step out of your goddamn comfort zone for fucking once! not everything has to be planned out to the last fucking second! that's not how the world works, babe." hoseok spits the last word out with such vile that yoongi swore he could hear his own heart sink.

"h-hoseo-" yoongi is cut off by hoseok's voice ringing through his ears.

"i'm going to bed. don't even think about coming in there tonight." hoseok turns, slams the door, and the storm has passed. or so it seems.

yoongi slumps back down on the couch, his head in his hands.

why does being in a relationship have to be so goddamn hard?

times two; yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now