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yoongi walks into the coffee shop at exactly 8:15, per usual, but this time he didn't have hoseok with him.

"americano with two shots?" jimin asks, proceeding with his job as usual.

"what did you say to hoseok?" yoongi demands.

jimin reaches for the wall behind him. was he going to hit him?

"i'm sorry, i don't understand what you're trying to ask." jimin knew what he was trying to ask though. he knew exactly what he was trying to ask.

"don't play stupid with me," yoongi growled. "hoseok doesn't get that angry over something unless someone else said something about it. now, what the actual fuck did you say?"

jimin's words felt stuck at the back of his throat. he wanted to yell at that yoongi bastard and tell him to help hoseok, but jimin knew in his right mind that he couldn't fight this guy.

so he stayed quiet and timidly spoke,

"hoseok wants a vacation."

yoongi scoffs. "you think i don't know that? pretty sure i caught onto that one, thanks bud." he was delirious. yoongi has never treated anyone like this unless you count his previous employer and that's only because he was treating his employees unfairly.

"just give him one then?" jimin snaps. he was sick of yoongi's sass. no one treats him that way in his own restaurant.

that's when yoongi began to cry. short streams of tears trailed out of his eyes as he quietly glares into jimin's eyes. jimin's heart rate speeds up as he watches the older sob. "i-" jimin starts, but yoongi cuts him off quickly.

"no no, i get it. i'm the bad guy." yoongi sobs into his hands quietly, doing his best not to disturb the surrounding customers. "it's just," he takes a deep breath, "everything makes me so fucking nervous. i have metathesiophobia and it makes everything a living shithole." jimin shakes his head.

yoongi senses jimin's obvious confusion, so he continues. "it's the fear of change. i'm just too fucking weak to do anything without a huge amount of anxiety killing me every time! i want to help hoseok, i really do, but i just can't snap out of this fucking mindset!"

jimin couldn't think of a way to coddle this poor man without embarrassing himself in front of his customers, so he grabs his hand. yoongi stares up at jimin through the tears. "i'm willing to help you, if you'd allow me." jimin whispers. he honestly started out this conversation only to help hoseok, but he saw that the so called villain in this situation needed as much help as the hero.

and jimin will be damned if he doesn't help them both.

times two; yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now