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"he's cute, isn't he?"

yoongi and hoseok meet once a week to eat lunch and discuss their daily lives.

both of the men had very busy schedules and rarely were able to sit down to have a full fledged conversation, so they made weekly lunch a requirement for each.

"who?" yoongi takes a break between bites of his steak, something he gets every time. yoongi was one for tradition. he hated impulsivity and anything that changed his schedule.

his schedule was simple:
7:00 wake up
7:30 shower w/ hoseok
8:00 leave house
8:15 get coffee
9:00 work
17:30 get off work
18:00 work out (this was only recently added in)
19:45 leave gym
20:00 dinner
20:45 cuddle session w/ hoseok that may or may not escalate into something else
21:30 lay in bed until hoseok falls asleep
22:00 mix music in office and/or attend to business
3:00 go to bed

the weekly lunches were the one intrusion he allowed into his schedule, for the sake of hoseok. hoseok was incredibly outgoing and could talk your ear off if you'd let him, but yoongi was a good listener so it worked out just fine.

"jimin, the coffee boy. he's too adorable, i swear!" hoseok gets excited over others sometimes to the point where yoongi can get jealous.

yoongi nods in agreement. he can't help but join the younger's side on this opinion. jimin was quite charming.

"i should ask for his number or something! we could get a new friend, and lord knows you need some of those, yoongi." there it was. yoongi was eagerly anticipating the blow at his ego per usual.

it was a well known fact that yoongi didn't have many friends. he tries to make them, he really does, but he fails. he did have hoseok as a friend; although, hoseok argues that it doesn't count because they're dating. yoongi also had namjoon, but hoseok said that one didn't count either due to the fact that they're coworkers.

"good luck with that." yoongi mumbles before proceeding to eat his food.

hoseok grunts quietly. "you could at least pretend to be excited."

"hoseok, you know i'm not good with people!" yoongi whines.

"but baby!" hoseok whines louder while grabbing onto yoongi's hand.

this was how their disagreements usually went, both trying to convince the other by using their cute element. hoseok usually won these arguments and this time was no different.

yoongi huffs loudly. "fine, but i'm not gonna enjoy it."

times two; yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now