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"what are you gonna get?"

yoongi and hoseok sat at their regular table at their weekly lunch place, but it felt emptier.

for once, yoongi was trying to make conversation as hoseok stared blankly off into space.

"i- uh, i'm probably just going to get the steak again." yoongi answered his own question to fill the silence.

it's deafening within the little diner. no one is speaking and quiet crackling pop is playing over the speakers, but yoongi could feel his ears ringing as if he were at a rock concert.

yoongi begins to play with his straw before he attempts to start the conversation again.

"so," he lets out a dry chuckle, "today at work, namjoon said a very funny thing."

hoseok was silent. he would look his lover in the eye, but he hasn't said a word since agreeing to meet yoongi for lunch.

the silence wasn't the worst part though.

it was the lack of emotion on hoseok's face that truly frightened yoongi. usually hoseok would take on a large range of emotions and you could always clearly tell what each was from just the look on his face, but now?

now, he was just blank.

"i'm sorry if i did something wrong, yoongi." hoseok mumbled in a small monotone voice.

yoongi tilted his head. "w-what do you mean, love?"

"cut the shit." hoseok whispered this part, almost as if he didn't want to be heard, not even by the person he was talking to. "i know about jimin."

"jimin?" yoongi questioned. yoongi assumed hoseok would be okay with jimin sleeping over for the night. hoseok was the one who wanted the two boys to be friends in the first place, right?

"just be honest with me, yoongi. i know you've been seeing jimin, and i know it's my fault. just tell me why. please." hoseok couldn't bring himself to meet yoongi's eyes, his overwhelmingly heavy amount of guilt guarding his eyes.

"see- seeing jimin?!" yoongi exclaimed. "where'd you get that idea from?"

"he was at the apartment and he told me that he was helping you get over me." hoseok mumbled.

"he said that?" yoongi said angrily. if that boy jimin actually said that then yoongi would have to teach him a lesson.

"well, he said that he was helping you, but i can read between the lines."

yoongi placed his head in his hands. it was just a misunderstanding.

"hoseok. love," he grabbed hoseok's hands from across the table and brought their eyes together to meet. "i asked for jimin's help so i can start to change up my schedule without freaking out. nothing ever happened between the two of us." yoongi assured.

"why would you need his help for that?" hoseok questioned.

"for you!" yoongi's eyebrows raised as his mouth turned into a slight smile. "i just want to make you happy, honey. i'm going to try to get better for you."

hoseok let out a breathe of air that he's been holding in since he saw yoongi it felt like.

the sun and the moon were back in rotation. the eclipse was over.

for now.

times two; yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now