5. || 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬🧚‍♀️ ||

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I stopped and looked around and suddenly everyone fall to the ground then Mr aizawa looked the same way he did earlier with his hair up and eyes red"what happened?"I asked"while you were humming you lifted us up somehow"a green haired boy said I remembered that I had seen him a while ago at the entrance exam but it wasn't just that something about him seemed familiar like he was someone from my past but I just couldn't put my finger on it

"yeah we were all calling you but you couldn't here us because of your headphones"another read haired boy said"so mr.aisawa had to erase your quirk"a half white half red boy said and might I say he is the cutest guy I've ever laid eyes on"oh I'm so sorry everyone"i said then mr aisawa blinked I'm guessing he give me my quirk back"is my quirk back?"I asked"yes"mr aizawa confirmed"thank you,then may I be excused"I asked

"why"he asked"please,I just need to get out"I said sweating"y/n I don't think your allowed to-"before he could finish his sentence I jumped out the window💭man I hope my quirk really is back💭"y/n!!"I heard someone yell I think it was the cute boy, then my crystal wings sprouted The kinda looked like this:

But like smaller and I just kept flying for a while till I heard someone call my name"y/n!!"I turned around to see the cute boy on a trail of ice"god I've been chasing after you for a while"he said"sorry let's land on that roof"I said then we stoo...

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But like smaller and I just kept flying for a while till I heard someone call my name"y/n!!"I turned around to see the cute boy on a trail of ice"god I've been chasing after you for a while"he said"sorry let's land on that roof"I said then we stood the by the roof"why did come after me?"I asked kinda sad"I wanted to make sure your okay"he said sympathetically"why you don't even me"I said"I know but I know what its like to feel like your not in control of your own quirk,plus i was the only one whose quirk is suitable to go after you"he said"what your name by the way?"I asked
"oh I'm shoto todoroki"he said and smiled

"well thanks todoroki but you didn't have to go after me I'm perfectly fine on my own"I said"I know but you looked like you needed help back there,plus you know you shouldn't skip school its bad for your reputation"he said"I know,but I just needed to get a way for a while""okay well I'm here if you need anything,here's my number I'll send you the work for today"he said"thanks I'll fly around for a while then I'll go home"I said"okay I'll go tell everyone your okay,don't get kidnapped"he said,i chuckeld "as if"i said and he chuckeld

I walked over to him and kissed on the cheek I think he blushed"thanks todoroki"I said looking into his eyes we stated at each other for a while then he snaped out of it"uh-well I gotta go now,oh and y/n""yes"I asked"your wings are beautiful,just like you"he said with a smile then left,I could feel my face was as red as a tomatoe"wow...what is this feeling in my stamoch"I said then shrugged and flew on...
To be continued...

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