116. || 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧😶 ||

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Well we finished the milkshakes and everyone got to know each other like what're they're dreams,likes,dislikes and more an each other's quirks I'd say it was an overall great experience...the only problem is...THE BOYS WERE TOTALLY FLIRTING WITH THE GIRLS and some of the girls even flirted back it made me feel like a total 7th wheel the only ones not flirting where the ones not in a relationship like sero,todoroki,midoriya,uraraka,me,tokoyami and especially Helena and Bakugo all they did was glare at each other the whole time I guess they really don't like each other

Afterwards we went back home and slept till the next day and I thought everything was good but I didnt expect what happened today

So we all went into class as usual and I noticed Bakugo was quiet today too quiet but I thought nothing of it until lunch when he made a big announcement

"HEY EVERYONE LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!"he shouted grabbing everyone's attention"what is it bakubro?"kirishima asked"I figured out who the traitor is"he announced,everyone gasped"well who is it?"deku asked"yeah tell us"everyone said💭oh crap,you don't think he knows,maybe I've been figured out💭i thought"well come on don't keep us in the dark"denki said"okay,okay the traitor is.....Y/N!"he said pointing at me I dropped my food

"What?"I questioned and everyone stared💭how did he...?💭i thought"wait bakubro your joking right?"kirishima said trying to laugh at the awkward situation"yeah why would you assume it y/n?"denki asked"I'm not assuming anything I saw it with my own eyes!,while you extras were behind I was the first person to come and there I saw that brat fricking cuddling with villains!!"Bakugo said"thats impossible y/n was with us the whole time that day!"lily said"yeah there's no way she could have done that!"the guardians started defending"no she was there I swear" bakugo defended feeling as though he was the only one who was sure of his predicament

Everyone stared at me💭oh man I've been caught...no matter I just get to practise my poker face💭i thought"n-no thats not true I would never!"I said with glossy eyes"it is true I saw it with my own eyes,they were sleeping together and cuddling like a couple!"he said"thats not true,you know thats not true,WHY'RE YOU LYING?!"I said with tears flowing down he grabbed my shirt and said"stop crying and acting all innocent I know your in cahoots with those villains!"he said"I am not,I'm really not I would never do that"I said in a shaking voice sobbing

"Stop with these crocodile tears and admit it! your the traitor ADMIT IT!"he yelled I sniffed"why are you doing this, i-i know we've never been on good terms but I genuinely thought we were friends!"I said crying"What?! I can't believe a loser like you thought we could ever be friends!!"he said"Bakugo..."I said"Bakugo I think you should stop.."kirishima said "shut the hell up nobody asked you shitty hair" he said "Bakugo!"Mina snapped"bakugo...why are being so mean I know you don't like me but still to accuse me of something so heinous without any proof its just..just villainous!"I said

"Kacchan let her go!"deku said
"NO! she's a villain I know it!" Bakugo said "Bakugo!" kori shouted and he looked at her"do you have any proof?"she asked glearing at him"well no not exactly but-"he said but was interrupted by Mina"then how can you accuse someone without any proof?!"she shouting he gritted his teeth"look I don't need any proof,I know what I saw!"Bakugo saw"Bakugo I think you should go.."denki said"I'm telling you I saw her!I bet she's been a villain the whole time!"he said"...shut up"todoroki muttered

"What was that icyhot?!"Bakugo questioned todoroki looked at me"..oh I see what's going on you still have a thing for the b°tch"he said"Bakugo please let me go...please"I begged💭this is humiliating,I've never begged for anything and would certainly never beg anyone to let me go💭i thought he chuckled and let me released me"you know I bet she's even slept with one of them"he said"Bakugo stop"he said"oh and what are you gonna do about icyhot,? you gonna cool me off?!"he mocked todoroki stepped forward and so did Bakugo"you know its not surprising considering the type of girl she is"he said"WHAT?!"I said

"I said SHUT UP!"todoroki said and punched Bakugo so hard his nose started bleeding"don't you ever talk about her like that!"he said clenching his fist and activating his quirks"oh you wanna go icyhot?!"Bakugo said grabbing his shirt

"KATSUKI BAKUGO!"someone said and I looked over to see it was mr.aizawa"come with me"he said in a low angry voice"tsk"Bakugo said and let todoroki go them headed with unclesawa I felt a pair of arms wrap around me"are you okay?"Mina asked"I..."I said and sped out crying"y/n!"everyone called out to me but I teleported out of the school

I saw todoroki slide on a slide on ice after me"y/n wait!"he said and I ran again and ran and ran after all the running I was so tired I dropped to my knees and started crying...

But my hicks turned slowly into laughter"mhmhahahah!"I laughed wiping my tears"ha!those idiots all it took was some tears and a little words and they bought it hook.line.and sinker"I said and started laughing again"ha.."I said wiping the tear in the corner of my eye"whew that was one of the best performances of my life!"I said and changed back into myself

"I hope it was worth it"y/n said in my head"I wonder...was it nice fooling my friends?"she asked"it was actually they're idiots"I said"hey those are my friends your talking about!"she said"well sorry I meant to offend you"I said she laughed I sighed"the really do love you don't they?"I said"...yeah,they do don't they"she said I stayed quiet for a while they got up"welp its time for me to get to my real friends..the lov"I said and started walking...
To be continued...

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