108. || 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡💣 ||

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After second period Helena and Bakugo had a little...disagreement

"Hey,your sitting on my seat!"Bakugo said to Helena she looked up at her"oh is this your seat?I didnt realize"she said and smirked he slammed his hand on the desk"your still sitting on my seat"he said"oh I know I said I didnt realize I didn't say I cared"Helena said

Bakugo growled and pushed her out of the desk Helena clenched her fist and fire came from them she put her hand on the desk and it melted,Bakugo looked pissed(meanwhile everyone is just sitting back watching)he grabbed Helens shirt and "alright if your looking for a fight you got it!"he said and put his hand out almost making an explosion"Bakugo,what're doing?"unclesawa said he put her down"nothing,we just having s little disagreement but its all good,right?"he said and put he's hand on her shoulder I could see the smoke coming from her shoulder he was burning her

She had her head down"should we intervene?"I asked"no,I know heli she can handle this"kori said and Helena smirked and looked up then she put her hand on his shoulder"yeah all good"she said trying to form a smile and I could tell that she activated her fire quirk and was burning him too"what do we do?"kirishima asked"I can't tell if the tension between them is sexual or just regular"Mina said"yeah me too"I said

They were like that for like 5 minutes having a burning contest and strangely enough Bakugo looked more effected than helena,she looked just fine"alright that's enough"mr.aisawa said and erased they're quirks"tsk"Bakugo said and when to sit down so did helena I made him a crystal desk which he didnt thank me for but I didn't expect him to so I don't mind

-at lunch-
I went to sit down with the guardians cuz kelpie had already sat with the guys"hey guys wouldn't you like to sit with my friends?"I asked"mhm I don't know I'm not sure your friends would like us"kori said"are kidding of course they would you guys are amazing"I said they smiled"aww thanks,okay maybe we will"oceana said"okay I'll go ask them"I said and went to ask the girls if they could sit there of course they agreed

I motioned for the girls to ciem over amd they did"hii my name is mina"Mina said"hello nice to meet you"oceana said and shook her hand the other girls also introduced themselves and"so iris can you tell me-us about your quirk"jirou said iris slighty smiled and started explaining"well there's transportation where I can transport anything and anyone to wherever I want,there's telekinesis where I can move things with my mind,magic music where I can cast spells and make music by making music"iris said"wow cool so you can make magic by making music?"Mina questioned"yeah pretty much I also have these magic instruments that I use"iris said"can you show us?"jirou asked

"Sure"iris said and stood up then looked around but stood down again then started singing and pointing at me and I turned tiny"wow I'm so small"I said then the others gasped"your so cool!"Mina said I touched myself on the chest and gigantified myself but went small again"oh sorry but any spell that I cast can only be fixed by me"lily said"you know when i said can you show us I meant your instruments"jirou said"oh sorry"iris said and made a beautiful harp:

"Sure"iris said and stood up then looked around but stood down again then started singing and pointing at me and I turned tiny"wow I'm so small"I said then the others gasped"your so cool!"Mina said I touched myself on the chest and gigantified mys...

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(The one on the right)
She played one note and was back to normal"yay im me again,although I would've liked to be small a bit longer"I said and shrugged they all laughed"does this is mean you can play all instruments?"jirou asked💭yes I can💭iris thought"well not ALL instruments just most of them but I can play all the instruments I conjure"iris said💭thats so cool💭jiro thought"well maybe you can play me something..sometime"jirou said with her face close to iris"maybe I might"iris said and they giggled

"Are they flirting right now?"I whispered to Mina"I can't tell"she answered they went back to normal when izuku came in with his notebook"uh deku,do you need something?"uraraka asked"oh uh I just came to ask you girls a few questioned about your quirks,i-if that's okay"he said"mhm okay"oceana said"shoot"Helena said"what?!someone is shooting?!"kori questioned"no,not literally"Helena said with her hand on kori's shoulder"oh,*clears throat*carry on"kori said

"Okay so you know how you guys have more than one quirk,can you use them at once?"deku asked kori and Helena said yes"I can but it would be very difficult"iris said"I dunno I've never tried it before so I don't know what might happen"oceana said izuku wrote down in his notebook I looked over to the guys table because I thought I heard someone calling me and turns out it was kirishima so I went over there

"Yes Kiri what is it?"I asked"that girl..what's her name?"he asked(referring to kori)I looked over a laughed"ha!she will squash you like a bug"I said"her name"he said I sighed"kori todoroki,cousin of todoroki quirk:ice and snow"I said"huh?!todoroki has a-"kirishima was about to shout bit I covered his mouth"shhh look todoroki doesn't know he has a relatives so don't tell him,I'll explain later"I said he nodded"wait what do you mean relatives is there another one?"he asked"mhm hmm over there"I pointed to Helena"wow really Noe that I think about it she does look kinda similar to endeavor"kirishima said and todoroki came over

"Hey what are guys talking about?what do I have?"he asked"uhh we were just talking about like how smiliar kori's quirk is to your family's"I said"yeah it is smiliar...probably a coincidence"he said and walked away"whew"we said"well I should be going"I said and went back to the girls table and izuku left"can you all demonstrate your quirks?"Mina asked"we would but we're in school,maybe later"kori said"okay"Mina said

"wait guys I just got an idea,what if we have a slumber party!"uraraka said"what's a slumber party?"the guardians said"wait you guys have never been to a slumber party before?"momo questioned the shook their heads"how have you lived?!"Mina asked"okay its settles then we're having a slumber party,we can get to know you better"uraraka said and we all agreed"okay but there's one little thing you should know about them"I said"what is it?"uraraka asked"should I tell them?"I whispered to the guardians they nodded

"Yeah I think I should let them tell you"I said"I disappear whenever the opposite gender touches me"iris said"if I get too cold I'll die"Helena said"if I get to hot I'll die"kori said"I turn into a mermaid whenever I touch water"oceana said"and im a fairy"lily said"yeah me too"aria said and they burst out laughing"oh wait your serious?"uraraka said"we're dead serious"Helena said"its true guys"I said"yeah right like we're suppose to believe that"Mina said"alright fine I'll prove it"iris said and got up amd walked over to the guys table

She put out her hand for tokoyami"what..what're you doing?"he asked"just hold my hand"iris said"oh..kay"he said and put her hand I'm hers and she immediately disappeared"see prove"I said"that doesn't prove anything she could have easily transported somewhere"momo said"how?she can only go and take people places by touching them"kori said"....shes right"Mina said

"if guys still don't believe us then its fine there's no use in trying anyway"I said"wait what?"the others said"y/n what're you-"helena asked but i shushed her"just trust me"i whispered then looked at all of them and then they looked at each other,then nodded"oh...kay"jirou said and we smiled

Then iris suddenly reappeared with a bag of chips and a hat on"what'd I miss?"she asked and went to sit down"where where you?"I asked"Paris"he asked Mina spit out her water"what?!"mina questioned"yeah Paris"iris said and ate more chips there was a silence"whaat I can go anywhere I want,im not going to use it for my own personal gain?"she said"yeah your right,why haven't I ever done that?"I said"you should its fun"she said we all laughed..
To be continued...

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