102. || 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐬👱‍♀️ ||

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I spent the whole morning sowing and creating dresses and outfits that I lost track of time until I heard a knock on my door"come in"I said and kori come in"y/n what's that noi-"she said I turned around and"gahh"she said looking scared"what what's wrong?"I asked"..have you looked in the mirror?"she asked"huh?"I questioned and she made a mirrior out of ice

When i stared at it u couldn't believe who was looking back my hair was a mess and my eyes were baggy"Wow is that actually me?"I questioned kori nodded"I guess I spent so much time designing I forgot to hygiene"I said and got up"I'll go wash"I said"wait before you do your mom asked me to come fetch you so you can pick your personal maids and some maids to help you around the house"kori said"okay but do u really I have to go out looking like this?"I asked pouting to my face"well you don't have to"kori said"oh good"I said and fixed up my face"well I'll be off"I said and went out slouching

On my way out there were a lot of maids lined up and my mom was standing there"morning mom"I said"morning?its the the afternoon"mom said"it is?"I questioned yawned"are you okay sweetie what happened?"she asked"Oh I just stayed up last night..*yawn*making clothes so I didn't get much sleep"I said rubbing my eyes"well this is the line of maids that signed up to assist you"mom said"assist me?"I asked"yes help you do your daily activities like bathing,cleaning,clothing anything you want you won't have to lift a finger"mom said💭so I'm basically gonna be a baby while I'm here💭i thought

"of course not all if them can be your lady in waiting immediately they have to prove they're loyal,to you"mom said I smiled"so pick one or how ever many you like"I said"okay"I said and stalked looking through the maids they all looked excited except this one girl she looked really sad"I pick this one"I said pointing to the sad maid she looked up surprised"oh great,anymore?"mom asked and I just picked some random ones because I was tired and one was particularly happy about being picked

"great now the others will me,your sister and your friends"mom said putting her hands together"what about dad?"I asked"oh the butlers help him"mom said I yawned again"sweetie you look really tired maybe you should take a bath then sleep"mom said her hand in my shoulder"yeah that sounds good"I said mom smiled and looked to the maids I picked"please prepare a bath for my daughter"she said"yes your majesty"they said and went to my room"thank you mom"I said"no problem dear"she said and nodded to the maids then they left into different rooms and mom hugged me before also leaving

And I teleported back to my bed and was about to fall asleep when I saw one of the maids in front of me"the bath is ready..."she said I sat up"oh,thank you"I said"its no problem and from now on you don't have to thank us for things like this"she said"yeah its our duty"another maid said I smiled"what're your name's?"I asked"us?"they questioned I nodded"um I'm Delilah,this is Celeste,thats Melanie and that's sapphire"she said

💭oh so the sad on is named sapphire💭i thougt"uh what would you like for us to call you?"Celeste asked"what do you mean?"I asked"like sgoudk we call you your highness,your grace,my lady-"she said"okay,okay i get it,I think you should call me...my lady"I said💭makes me sound less...intitled💭i thought"alright my lady,you better get in the bath before it gets could"deliliah said I nodded and walked to the bathroom

The bathed me there and it was pretty weird okay a lot weird but I was too tired to care so I just went back to bed and immediately fell asleep

-a few hours later-

I woke up and checked my phone💭05:30 am?did I really sleep for 17 hours?wow I guess I was tired💭i thought"welp time to get up"I said to myself and walked to put on my PJs and walked through the castle when I heard some music and went inside to see iris doing some amazing ballet and I made myself invisible to watch till she's finished and made myself visible again and clapped for her she gasped"wow iris that was amazing"I said"y/n?what are doing here I thought everyone was sleeping"she said"well everyone is except for me,where'd you learn to dance like that?"I asked"I take a few lessons on ephedia"she said taking off her shoes

"Well that looked more than a few lessons to me"I said praising her"you think?"she questioned"yeah you have the skills of a professional dancer"I said"well that is my dream,also a songwriter and musician"she said💭Wait I have an idea💭"iris have you ever danced on stage before?"I asked"uh no,why?"she asked"how would you look to perform for me at my coronation?"I asked"huh?"she questioned"you can perform on stage after I'm crowned princess"I said"I dunno.."she said"oh please,please,please,please I would love to have you there"I begged"oh okay"she said smiling"you can do it"I said"yeah I can do it"she said and I hugged her and went back to my room

💭haaa I'm bored now💭i thought and looked over to the bookshelf💭i guess one book couldn't hurt💭i thought and picked up a book and started reading

-a few moments later-
"Wow that was the best book I've ever read"💭wait whats this they left it on a cliffhanger?💭i thought"Delilah!"I called out then the door opened"yes my lady?"she asked"um are there any more books on this?"I asked she looked at it"yes there is,but its in the biggest library on findara"she said"great,where's that?"I asked"well its in airlandia and only the princess has asses to it"she explained"...okay thank you,you may leave now"I said and she did I called aria and asked her about it"yeah I have a whole collection of that,I'll send it over"she said"wait really thank you"I said and the books appeared and I hung up

I spent the whole next hours finishing the collect and realized that today was the day luminer said he was gonna fetch me so I needed to get ready...
To be continued...

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