30. || 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬👸🏻 ||

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The the girl got up and said"hello my name is aria I'm the princess of Everrine,otherwise known as the 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒔"she said:

"she said"hello umm how should I address you?"I asked"oh you don't need to address me you can just call me aria"she said"okay if thats what you wish,my name is y/n and I assume you are a guardian"I said"yes I am the guardian of air"she said

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"she said"hello umm how should I address you?"I asked"oh you don't need to address me you can just call me aria"she said"okay if thats what you wish,my name is y/n and I assume you are a guardian"I said"yes I am the guardian of air"she said

"but if you don't mind me asking why are you here know,I know your suppose to come some time but why now?"she said"oh well this might sound crazy but...I was attracted to this castle specifically the griffin in the stables"I said"mhm we have never experienced a human getting attracted to a griffin....unless"said aria"unless what?"I questioned"well,it could be that you are that griffin are soul owner"she said"whats a soul owner?"I asked

"well a soul owner is someone who is destined to be the owner of a mythical creature,the owner and the creater are intertwined by souls,so that griffin will be by your side till the day you die staying loyal to you no matter what"she said"what really?is that why I felt like we were destined to meet?"I asked"yes well its a meer maybe,there hasn't been a soul owner in over a 100 years"she said

"well then how can I be sure that I am its soul owner?"I asked"there is a way to know,if the griffin trusts you with its life,did it let you pet it"she asked"yes it did"I said"mhm well that's one sign to see if you are its soul owner,but there is a catch if you really want the griffin to be your pet then you must prove your worthy of it"she said"how do I do that?"she said

"no one knows like I mentioned there hasn't been a worthy soul owner in over a century,but legend says that if you have more than one creature that you are the chosen one"she said"the chosen one?"I questioned"yes,it is said that the chosen one is the lost princess of findara a magical realm on another planet filled with magical creatures and people everyone"she said

Then I put a finger on my chin thinking"but anyway enough about that would you like a tour of the castle?"she said"that would be lovely if you don't mind"I said"I don't min plus I have some free time,shall we be off?"she asked"of course"I said then putting my arm in her arm

"I feel a bit underdressed in a castle"I said"oh i can fix that"she said then she waved her hand at my clothes and just like that I had a new dress:

"OH my its beautiful,thank you"I said"no need to thank me designing is kinda my thing"she said"really me too,I design my own clothes"I said"thats wonderful,my parents don't like me designing clothes they say its unprincess like'"she said"yeah I kn...

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"OH my its beautiful,thank you"I said"no need to thank me designing is kinda my thing"she said"really me too,I design my own clothes"I said"thats wonderful,my parents don't like me designing clothes they say its unprincess like'"she said"yeah I know all about,you parents don't seem...close"I said then her face dropped💭oh no I must have mentioned a touchy topic💭....
To be continued...

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