Chapter 6: The Return of Peace.

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Link and Kifan appeared back in the woods. Kifan, still unconscious, was carried by Link until he reached Termina field. She had awoken coughing up blood which dripped from behind her mask, so Link placed her on the soft, grassy ground.

“Link… Where am I?” She said softly, shielding her eyes from the sunlight. She tried getting up, but pain shot up her body. She fell back down and her mask fell off with the impact. Link was stunned when he saw her face. He was expecting a face covered with evidence of her great age, but to see such a young, flawless and beautiful face, it seemed to remove the sadness from him, aside a slash scar on her cheek. He picked her up again and headed back to Clock Town.

Once they returned, Link placed Kifan in her bed. Her wolves crowded around the bed and looked at Link. Her blood stained the sheets as she turned to face him.

“Thank you… Link”, she whispered, smiling despite the pain to even move. He smiled back and walked off. He went to the markets to find anything to help her heal. As he walked past the clock tower, he noticed the door was slightly ajar. Curious, he walked to it. When he entered, a man with a large backpack, decorated with masks on the outside played a tune on the large organ. It took away all the troubles, all the sadness, and all the worries away from Link.

“I have been waiting for you”, the man said, pausing his playing and turning towards Link. “I am the Happy Mask Salesman. I’ve lived here since the Hero of Time ventured here by fate”. Link noticed that he wasn’t alive, but he wasn’t dead either. He was an undead. “I have been living in this clock tower for a very long time. I was left here to complete my destiny for the Goddesses, to teach you the Song of Healing”. Link knew of the great power that very song possessed. “Listen carefully.” The Mask Salesman turned and played that very tune he played not long ago. Link grabbed out his ocarina, and after a few times, he got it. He then played it one last time, and he could faintly hear another ocarina in the background playing with him. It seemed to remove all of his troubles, and healed his mind from the terrible thoughts it possessed.

“Well done”, the Mask Salesman replied. “The Hero of Time will be proud to call you his descendent…” he then faded away like a spirit, back into the spirit realm.

Link returned to Kifan's home and returned to her room. The wolves still sat around her bed, except for one who seemed to have disappeared. Kifan was sound asleep. Link grabbed out his ocarina again and playing the Song of Healing again. Magically, her wounds began to heal and her clothes started to repair itself. She woke up and noticed that she was better.

“How long was I asleep for?” She asked. Link would’ve explained but he cannot speak. Kifan read his thoughts through his face and his gesture. “Oh, anyway, did you get the next mask?” Link nodded, and showed her the Goron mask. As she studied it, the other wolf returned with a potion in its mouth. It gave it to Link and it licked his hand. Link read the label which said “healing potion”. He drank it, and he went off to bed.

“Link”, Kifan said before he left her room. “Thank you”. She shot a smile to him. Link returned the smile, walked into the living room, crawled into his futon and fell asleep.

The next day, Link woke up to Kifan returning from somewhere. He noticed his injuries have now healed. Kifan now wore her mask which was cleaned and polished.

“Whoops. I woke you up. I was just getting back my bow from the blacksmith”. She showed him the bow, and then placed it back on her back. “We should move out soon. We will eat our dinner at sunset, and leave at twilight to Snowhead. That’s where the Goron’s are, that’s where we can go with this mask, just like the Hero Himself did”, Kifan said. Link was excited that there was some more action in his life. Link grabbed the Goron mask and wondered. Can the entrance to Snowfall temple only be accessed by a Goron?

“I can see what you’re thinking. One of us will be a Goron, roll into a ball and have the other person inside. I found that out from one of the Goron’s in West Clock Town.” Link liked how Kifan had so much knowledge about Termina. He would’ve been lost if she wasn’t here. He began to think about Midna. Terrible thoughts entered; the sight of her being chained in a small cell which was dark and cold. Her beautiful crimson eyes are now blood red, bloodshot and full of pain and fear. Her once glowing face now stained in blood and bruises. The short nightmare was interrupted by a gentle poke on the forehead and a dim glow. Kifan sat next to Link, casting a spell which calmed him down. Link noticed he was tearing.

“Try to not think about her too much”, she said. “It’s making you upset”. After a few seconds, Kifan got up, and began to prepare for the journey ahead. She made two large portions of breakfast for the both of them, as it could be a while until they eat again. She also packed some small food in each of their satchels in case. She studied the Snowhead map carefully, making sure she doesn’t forget where everything is and how to get to places. She packed the map, and went to her weapons, checking that they were in good shape. Link also checked his sword to see if there were any damages. He quickly rushed to the shop nearby to quickly repair his Hylian Shield. On the way back, a little boy caught site of his shield.

“That is a nice shield, mister”, he said, feeling it. “My mummy told me about a hero from a long time ago with that shield. Are you the Hero of Time?” Link smiled, chuckled and rustled the boy’s hair. The little boy smiled and ran off shyly. When Link returned to the home, Kifan was already outside waiting for him.

“Well, let’s go”, Kifan said with enthusiasm.

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