Chapter 3 - The Twilight Princess

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Link's heart dropped as the face Midna was in front of him. Her elegant face was ruined with a cut on her lip and eyebrow, her left eye, bruised and her mischief in her crimson eyes was replaced by fear, and pain.
"Link, it's been so long, I was afraid you were gone", Midna softly said, smiling slightly. "Please help me. All of this corruption, all this destruction, all this darkness, was caused by..." A loud roar of a beast surrounded them and out of the darkness of the forest, a shadow beast came and kneeled at its entrance. An old enemy appeared from the sky, Zant. He was hungry for power and offered his hand in marriage to Midna long ago. She was smart and refused the offer. Zant then was filled with rage. A god in the Twilight Realm gave him power to remove Midna from her place in royalty of the Twilight Realm, which made her cursed into an imp form. Zant created a force that, instead of hitting Midna, hit Kifan. She flew a far distance and crashed into a wall. She was hurt really bad, but she got up and drew her swords. The Shadow Beast then grabbed her and smashed her into the ground.
"Pitiful little fool, she is", said Zant. "She thinks she can defeat me? I am the true ruler of the Twili". He then chuckled his psychopathical laugh.
"You... are... fool hearted, Zant", Kifan interrupted, grasping her shin wound which was bleeding, fortunately not too severely. "You may have... power but, you're nothing, and you'll never be true ruler of the Twili!" Zant then raised her from the ground and made her collide with Link.
"Weak, little things the Hylian's are", Zant told Midna.
"Nothing is as weak as you. Remember, I squashed you like a little ant with only a fraction of my power", replied Midna, smirking at Zant. He was now getting furious, grabbing her by the arm and crushing her bone. Link then tried to get up but he was too weak. Midna then tried to get out of Zant's bone crushing grasp and almost succeeded, groaning in pain.
"You would escape, from me? Ha, you do not think straight, like your decision not to marry me", Zant said, chuckling. Kifan then got up and slashed the Shadow Beast with one of her Nocturnes. Zant, shocked, disappeared with Midna's scream for Link.
"Link, are you okay?" Kifan asked, offering her hand out. Link got up on his own, bleeding on his arm and dizzy.
"I think know where those large shadow beasts are going. The four temples spread across the four provinces. First, we'll go to the forest temple in Woodfall, then the Snowhead temple at the summit of the Snowhead Mountain, Great Bay Temple off shore from Great Bay, and the ancient Stone Tower Temple at the Stone Tower Province. Yes, it is a lot but the Hero of Time went through these temples as a child. Don't disappoint him". Link then gave her a glare, showing her that he went through eight dungeons and temples before.
"Come, Link", Kifan continued, leading them back into the town. "I have a map of Termina with everything we need on it".

When they were inside Kifan's house, she used a spell to heal Link's wounds, while he studied a map.
"Here is where we need to go first", Kifan said, pointing at a part of the map in green. "But we need to prepare what we are going to do. We can't just waltz into Woodfall. It's covered in Twilight; we can't enter unless a Twilight being is on the other side and it's pretty dangerous in the temple." Link was listening to every word she said. He wanted to find Midna, and fast. That thought seemed to go to his look, when Kifan said;
"The poor thing. She might be dead for all I know but if she is we still need to save Termina," Kifan replied to his facial expression. "This is not all about saving Midna. There are many lives at stake here, so do not concentrate only on her". Link was angry at first, then, he realised that Kifan was right. He just wanted to see her again. "Sorry if I hurt you, Link. I didn't mean completely stop thinking about her", Kifan said, a bit softer this time. Link just smiled. Even though it has been less than a day he knew of her existence, he understood she wasn't intending to be harsh.
"How about we get some sleep?" Kifan asked. Link nodded. Kifan set up a futon in her living room. Once she finished, she walked into her bedroom and shut the door. As soon as Link's head hit the pillow, he went out cold. It was a long day for him.

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