Chapter 1 - Kifan.

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The beautiful colours of sunrise filled the morning sky. The morning dew sparkled like stars in the night sky. This is Hyrule, the sacred ground where the three goddesses landed and began all life. In Hyrule there is a wood, in this wood, there is a village, in this village, lays the man who saved this sacred land from the grasps of the evil Ganondorf. Link, the hero who slayed the evil contained in the Twilight Realm. He not only save Hyrule but found someone special. But, even though it has been six months and he knows they are too different, he missed her with all his heart. Bo, the mayor of Ordon Village, knows of Link's sadness and always says, "You will find the one soon. She is waiting for you, but, love is a test of patience. You must wait for them to cross into your path, and for you to cross into their path. You might meet her tomorrow, next week, next month, or on your next quest. But you will meet her, don't give up hope". Link always loved that saying. Today was a relaxation day for Link, so, he decided to go to Castle Town for a new sword. As the Master Sword is back in the Temple of Time, and there was a slight sadness in the air, Link needed a weapon. So, he put on the leather saddle he made when he was thirteen onto Epona, his horse who was always there, since she was only a foal. Her white mane was mistaken as snow sometimes by the village children, her sparkling eyes showed her strength, and love. The pair set off to Castle Town.

By nine o' clock, Castle Town was over-crowded with many people, and many other races of humanoids. Link overheard off a conversation between two people of an ancient blade that was for sale at the Malo Mart. When he arrived there, in the store, was a sword sparkling in the candlelight. Its handle was made of an emerald green colour, on it, was a carving of an ancient symbol. It seemed to call for Link, as if he was its owner. Link then purchased it, despite it being 1,000 rupees. Afterwards, he decided to go to the fountain in the central part of Castle Town, to see the sparkling water, to remember his quest, to remember her. As he headed towards the fountain, he saw a hooded person with a wolf mask over her face. She was staring at him with her sharp emerald eyes that sparkled like precious diamonds in the sunlight, but showed emptiness. Her golden hair moved slightly to the breeze and shone in the light. Her bracers on her wrists shone gold and rubies that were finely polished. Link was curious. Why was she staring at him? As Link cautiously walked towards her, a couple of people walked past in front of him and the mysterious woman vanished. At that same time, a blood curdling scream came from the west side of Castle Town. Tons of people from the west side came running, following them, two shadow beasts. Link imediently grabbed his sword and slashed at the first shadow beast, but the second shadow beast grabbed him and smashed Link onto the ground. Link was cut, bruised and bleeding. He tried to move but pain would shoot up his body. Every time his heart beats, he vision would blur for one second. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone jumping off the Malo Mart building and drawing two swords, slashing one of the shadow beasts. At that same time, Link's vision blurred completely and then he blacked out.

Link woke up to a beautiful tune of soft howling of wolves. When his senses came to, he noticed the mysterious woman's silhouette in front of the moon playing a black flute on top of his home. She then leapt off and landed in front of Link, with her hood and mask still on. He was alert, ready to fight her but instead, the girl lended out her hand.
"Do you need help up"? She asked Link. Link grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. He noticed he wasn't hurt anymore. She was at the same length as him, and she had a strange accent.
"Wait a minute!" The woman said, stunned.
"You're the silent hero aren't you? Is it Link? I've heard a lot about you from Gossip stones in my province." Link nodded. Soon, he remembered something that Bo had drummed into his head. Do not trust strangers, until they have become friends. He back off, and he became cautious
"Do not fear me, I am not a threat. The name is Kifan. I need you to come with me to my homeland. It is important, but first I will let you grab some supplies, because it may be a long time until you return to Hyrule", she said. Link went inside his home and grabbed things he would need. Once he was ready, Kifan lead the way, with three wolves on either side of her through Gerudo Desert. Link wondered what was hiding under her mask...

As they continued, the desert gave in to a forest with large trees and light fog. It was sunrise when they reached a cave. Inside, there was a bottomless pit that was pitch black. Michiko then grabbed Link's hand. Kifan then jumped in, pulling along Link. The sudden action shocked him and he screamed all the way down. When reaching the bottom, Kifan managed to land swiftly on her feet, while Link landed with a loud thud.
"We're almost there. Follow me." Kifan said, leading on with her wolves side by side. It was dark, and cold in this endless path. After the long walk, they stood in front of a large door.
"Link, welcome, to my home, Clock Town".

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