Chapter 2 - The Return of the Twilight.

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As the door opened, the light from the six o'clock sunrise came in and revealed a town just like Castle Town. There were many races walking around; Hylian's, Goron's, Zora's and Deku Scrubs.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Kifan said. "Follow me". The wolves split from the group and wandered to the east side of Clock Town. Link and Kifan then set off to the west side of Clock Town. As they entered, there were a few buildings and a small home. Kifan unlocked the door and entered, leaving the door open for Link. Link entered and closed the door, admiring the miniature artworks on the long, stained glass pane beside the door.
"This is my home", Kifan said. "I should tell you my story, but I am unsure that you would believe me." At that same time the wolves returned with food they received from the food markets. They made themselves comfortable and listened to Kifan's story. "I am not your average Termina native. If you haven't noticed yet, Termina people are quite short, and I am close to your size. I am a Hylian. This place is an alternate land of Hyrule. An alternate universe? I am not sure, but that is not the point. I have lived here for a very long time, and I mean a very long time. You see... I have seen both lands at its worst point in time, and I have seen the terror that Ganondorf created in the era of the Hero of Time. I am a witch." Link looked at her, wide-eyed. He was told that witches disappeared from Hyrule hundreds of years ago.
"Yes, witches disappeared from Hyrule hundreds of years ago", she continued, virtually reading his facial expression. "Some were killed in the witch hunt phase when people thought witches were to blame for creating Ganondorf's evil mind, and the rest migrated to other lands. Anyway, when I was born, I was born under Ganondorf's reign. My mother was accepted into the Gerudo tribe because she worked as a doctor for them, as she was a healer witch. She fell in love with another Hylian, who did not love her back and disappeared once she conceived me. I was loved by all the Gerudo, and they taught me about their culture and living. At thirteen years old, my mother sowed me a large cloak, which I wear now, and the Gerudo's made this wolf mask, as my spirit animal is a wolf. When Ganondorf began to take over Hyrule, my mother feared our safety, as he wanted to kill us. She did not make it, unfortunately, but I kept on running, which was when I ran down that bottomless-like hole into Termina. I found another Gerudo tribe here, but they were not able to help, so I spent my time here. I slowly gained the respect of people here in Clocktown, and was just living my normal life.
I was also improving my witchcraft too. I got strong enough to be able to return back to Hyrule through a spell that took about a decade to perfect. I managed to see The Hero of Time defeat Ganondorf, I saw him save Termina from Majora, and I saw him die in this very town. I saw the old Hyrule sink into the sea, and I saw the Hero's descendant discover the current Hyrule..." Link was amazed at what she has been through.
"I brought you here for a reason, Link", Kifan said, her tone turning serious. "Termina doesn't feel the same. It is as if something is going to happen. I needed your help too. Woodfall has many bulbin's around there. It's unsafe to be there and they are moving towards Snowhead. I have fear for Termina's saf-" A bright light coming from outside interrupted Kifan as she finished her sentence. A blood curdling scream came from Central Clock Town, followed by sounds of bulbin's. Kifan then opened her window and climbed out of it. Link followed behind her.
"It... It cannot be..." Kifan gasped, staring at the sky. Link looked above to see a Twili portal, shadow beasts appearing from it. Suddenly some kind of shadow beast lord ran out of Clock Town with a ball of light, and then four other shadow beasts of the same appearance followed it, all of them with a ball of light. The realm of Twilight took over Termina. Link was looking at Kifan, who was now shaking, like she was about to be sick. She then began to grow black fur all over her body, and transformed into a black wolf with long back fur and her tail tipped with red, her eyes glowing her bright emerald colour. She was confused at what just happened. Link then became his wolf form, the splash of grey furs shading his body. He wished he would never be this form again, with the fleas and all. Suddenly, he heard a noise and dashed into a bush, Kifan following. When he peeked from the bush, he spotted one of the shadow beasts. Kifan then peaked out as well. They both noticed the ball, shining brightly in the beast's hands. Kifan then pounced out and killed the shadow beast with one bite to its mask, shattering it. The light then fell into Kifan. Link did not know what was happening but knew he needed to stop it. He then went towards her, then they both disappeared and reappeared in a cave, similar to fairy fountains. The ball of light then went into a pool of water, in front of them. Then, a spirit emerged from the waters below. A large, bright spirit of a fox appeared. It then began to talk.
"Light dwellers, you have saved Clock Town from the darkness of Twilight. But, the other four provinces are still dwelling in this darkness. An evil being has taken over the Twilight and since that incident, the Princess of the Twilight has disappeared, searching for help". Link then remembered the beautiful, flawless face of Midna. He worried and feared that she was dead, but even more how did the Twilight Realm return to the Light Realm after the Mirror of Twilight was destroyed?
"I am Jikan, the guardian who watches over the Clock Town Province. Kifan, it was risky just to jump out and kill that shadow beast. It was one of the Five Shadow Beast Lords. Link, as you know you are a descendent of the Hero of Time, no-one actually knew his name in ancient Hyrule. Only the closest ones of him knew his name, and because they are all dead, even I do not know it.
There mentions in the prophecies, a girl who saves this world from the Twili realm, as you have done for Hyrule, Link. I give you to, Kifan, these two swords of flame, one for each hand.-" Kifan examined the two relatively small, yet sharp swords. The blades on them represented the shape of a long flame, and its handles were red with black ancient runes.
"It will help you on this quest, and Link, I give to you, the Ocarina of Time. It was what The Hero of Time himself used so please take care with it. Please help Termina".
Link and Kifan nodded as Jikan disappeared. They then reappeared where they were before. In the distance a hooded figure stood, tall and slim. Kifan then ran towards it and when she was a few metres from the hooded figure, she dropped. Link ran towards Kifan, and as he could see the figure clearer, and he now knew why Kifan dropped. She did not collapse, she was kneeling. As the figure turned and faced Link, there he saw the beautiful soft glow of the bluey grey skin of his lost love.

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