Chapter 4 - Woodfall.

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In the morning, when Link woke up, he noticed a note, written on old, torn parchment on the table opposite his futon. When he read it, it said;
Link, I will be gone for the morning. There are maps of the provinces of Termina in the second draw of my desk for you to study up on. - Kifan
As said in the note, in the second draw of her desk, there were four maps, labelled at the top of each map the name of the provinces. Link decided this was a good time to explore Clock Town, and maybe find something useful for this quest. A scratching noise came from the door. When Link opened it cautiously, there was a small, black shadowed pup holding something in its mouth. It was one of Kifan's bracers, broken in two, and stained with blood. Link then became worried. He dashed, and grabbed his sword and shield, then the pup glared into Link's eyes, like trying to tell him something; trying to tell him to follow it. It ran off, stopping after a few steps and looking at Link, waiting for him follow. Link then followed it.

After a couple of minutes of following the pup, Link arrived at the entrance to Woodfall. It was blocked by a wall of Twilight, but, the pup went through like nothing was blocking the path. After a few seconds, a large hand grabbed Link and pulled him into the Twilight infested forest. Link instantly turned into his wolf form. After he transformed, he noticed it was the wolf pup that brought him in, it was a Twili pup, luckily on his side. It had baby blue lines along its body, which was the only colour it had, as its fur was pitch black, blacker than Kifan's cloak. Link then grabbed the bracer from the pup and it disappeared up into the sky into Twili pixels. Link suddenly smelt a mysterious faint smell. It was the faint scent of Kifan! He followed the trail of the smell to a sword. The blade was covered in blood. The sword was one of Kifans. He sniffed the blood that stained its beautifully flawless metal, but fortunately, the blood on the sword wasn't hers.

After a tiring walk, he could see a glowing light coming from the Deku Palace. The palace was old, never used in over hundreds of years. The moss and vines were the only life that lived within its walls. Cautiously, he entered, swiftly, and silently. He then entered the throne room, full of ferns and small trees that broke through the old, royal tiles on the floor.
"Link!" Barked a voice from a cage to the side. It was Kifan, in wolf form, in chains which were attached to the floor. "Link, do not step in front of you! It's a trap!" Link noticed the tile in front was a pressure plate. He avoided stepping on it and then ran towards the cage. He felt a tile beneath him fall slightly. It was another pressure plate. A rumbling noise came from the ceiling, then, a normal shadow beast landed on top of the cage with a loud crash, unleashing its loud, deafening scream. It tried to jump on Link, but he moved out of the way just in time. Link tried attacking but the shadow beast seemed like it was invincible. A voice like a spirit echoed through the throne room;
"Listen! Don't attack his limbs", it spoke. "Get rid of the mask!" Link tried to reach it a few times. After getting thrown onto a wall, he was angry. So mad, that you can see his eyes burning with the bushfire of rage. He pounced with all his strength, pinning the beast down, then he ripped its mask off with his sharp teeth. Along with the mask, came its face. The loud scream petrified Link for a moment. Black ooze spilt out of where its face once was attached, then it collapsed and exploded into Twili pixels. The chains and cage disappeared, leaving Kifan standing there in shock, and awe. She walked towards the mask, which still lay there, even though the dead corpse disappeared. The mask grew tentacles from the remaining ooze on it, which seized Kifan's face. She then tried scraping it off with her paws, but she whimpered and yapped in horror. She began transforming painfully. Link watched as an innocent wolf was transformed into a hideous, black, shadow beast. Link stood, prepared for an attack, but Kifan stood there, staring at him, and patted him on the head, showing that her mind was still intact. She tried speaking, but all that came out was a deafening scream. Kifan then pulled at the mask. After a few attempts, it came off. She then turned into her wolf form again.
"We need to lock that mask away", she gasped, blinking rapidly and slightly swaying. The mask then began to shake. It tried latching onto another being's face, but the pair was far away. It stopped for a split second, then exploded into Twili pixels, forming into a large key. On it, in the language of the old, it said, 'Forest Temple'. Link stared in awe.
"Is that "- Kifan dazed -"the key to the temple"? Link nodded. Grabbing it, Kifan led him through Woodfall, stopping at the front of a large lake, standing in a shelter.
Sontana of Awakening, Kifan thought. I remember hearing the Hero of Time play that tune... She sat down, tail swiftly moving with the wind, and she began to howl out notes, trying to remember what notes were played. Eventually, she got it; D A D A, d E-d. During the tune, Link could faintly hear a trumpet and an ocarina play along. After the tune ended, the earth began to rumble. Then, out of the swamp water, a large temple ascended slowly. After the temple was fully visible, a small, bright blue light glowed from the top of the temple. It then floated towards Link, stopped in front of him and grew wings. It was a fairy.
"Listen, Link! You won't be able to access this temple. You need to be able to be a deku scrub." It said.
"Who are you?" Kifan asked.
"Navi", it replied. Navi then faded away. Moments later, Link and Kifan began to teleport.

Once they arrived at their destination, they were in a small cave. It was cold like the dead of night in Winter, and they stood next to each other. Kifan did not like being in the dark, so she grabbed Link's hand to keep her calm.
Wait. How come I can feel Link's hand? She thought. She then put her other hand to her face. They were back in human form. Link didn't know why she grabbed his hand. Her heavy breathing turned into small echoes, going through the confined space. Link was cold, and shivering, and trying to get used to the dark.
"Sorry, Link", Kifan said, quickly letting go of Link's hand. "I just... Get a bit uncomfortable in the dark". Kifan created a small, white light orb which hovered next to her head, like a fairy. She saw something, and went to the wall in front of them. She began to run her hands along a chunk that stuck out, as if trying to find something. Link walked forward towards her to help, but stepped on something, a switch, making the stone door move up. Torches began to light up around this small room, and a staircase leading to a locked door appeared from behind the stone door. When they entered the room, the door sealed shut. They were trapped in this room. Kifan led them, cautiously moving forward, her swords drawn. Suddenly, a loud rumbling noise came from the center of the room as a large spider-like creature landed on the ground. It was Gohma, the boss inside the Great Deku Tree that the Hero of Time defeated when he was trying to save the ancient tree from dying, but failed. After Kifan's senses came to, she saw Link distracting Gohma. Link was trying to hit it, but it was no use. Michiko then grabbed a rock, and threw it on its eye. It then fell to the floor, unconscious. Link then slashed the eye with his sword. After a few attempts, and Gohma trying to climb onto the roof and releasing Gohma larvae, they killed it. Once it breathed its last breath, it exploded into a key. Link grabbed it and headed to the locked door, Kifan following.
"Now that woke me up", Kifan said, in awe. Link chuckled slightly.

After they unlocked the door and entered, they noticed that this is a tomb. At the back, there was a small stone coffin. Carved on it, was a sentence in the language of the goddesses. Link couldn't understand the language, but Kifan began to translate it slowly.
"To awaken the spirit of the Hero, play the song that awakens the ones in slumber with the sacred instrument..." She translated. Link began to think. What was this song? The sacred instrument is the Ocarina of Time, no doubt about that, but he wondered if Kifan knew. He turned to her, disturbing her train of thought, and gave a questioned look to her.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking", she said, waving her hand at him. She then closed her eyes, deep in her mind, when suddenly, she yelled out, "Sontana of Awakening! That's it! Here, Link." Kifan grabbed something out of her satchel, a small, wooden flute.
"I did research into how the Hero of Time went through his quest", she said. "Try playing this". Link listened to Kifan play a song. After a few practices, Link got it. He then stood on a triforce marked on the ground, glowing a soft golden ray, and played, D, A, D, A, d E - d. It was the exact same tune that she played to summon Woodfall Temple. When he played, a trumpet was heard, the ones that a Deku Scrub held. After the small gig ended, nothing happened.
"What? How? But... You played it, and, you had the Ocarina of Time..." Kifan said, eyes showing confusion. Then, rumbling came from the coffin. The lid popped off, showing a bright emerald ray. A wolf spirit appeared. It was the same one of the Ancient Hero that Link came across back in Hyrule. It looked at both of them, then pounced onto them, taking them to another realm. The wolf sat before them. Kifan was confused and wondering what has happened. The wolf howled and transformed itself into his true form. After a few seconds, Michiko fell to her knees, gobsmacked, and in awe.
"The Hero... Of Time..." She spoke.

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