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Louist91: I tried teaching Haz how to play football ( SOCCER FOR YOU CRAZY AMERICANS) in 2013. Let's say it didn't go so well


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Harrystyles: But with my knowledge and understanding of the game, I should be a lot better at football... but I'm not 

Louist91: @harrystyles that's true, you are not. I love you tho

Username2: "My Hazza" 

Username3: @username2 I love that video so much 

Niallhoran: @username3 me too 

Louist91: @niallhoran it was cute 

Harrystyles: @louist91 I know I am ;) 

Username1: @louist91 @harrystyles one day, you'll be the death of me with that cuteness

Username5: I remember at Niall's football game, where Harry scored and ran straight (gay hehe) to Niall to hug him. So I guess Harry isn't that bad 

Username6: @username5 he scored a penalty, so it wasn't really a real goal, but aww, the Narry hug 

Louist91: @username6 yeah yeah, great hug... 

Zayn: @louist91 jealouis rise

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