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Louist91: today, I married the love of my life. The ceremony was so wonderful and I would lie if I said I didn't cry.

In my defence, I wasn't the only one crying, I know many others were too but I won't expose them.

I want to thank my Family: Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest and Doris; thank you for always standing behind us and supporting us, even tho some horrible things happened to us.

The same is for Gemma and Anne who helped us too many times to count.

Thank you to the lads. Nialler, Payno and Zee, we couldn't be more grateful for you. You supported us since the beginning you stood by us when we fought with management and we stayed in contact during our break.

I want to thank our fans. Without your support, we couldn't have done it. Sometimes, your believe in us was the only thing that made Haz and me stay together because we knew that even tho the industry is fucked-up, you made us strong.

And lastly, I want to thank my husband Harry Edward Styles-Tomlinson. When we met 10 years ago, my world turned upside down because suddenly I wasn't pulled down to earth by gravity, but by you. You are kind, determined, strong, brave, the list could go on and you were the only one who could handle me at the age of 18. Today was one of the best days of my life and all the other good days, lived through with you. I could never be without you, even two weeks without my home are too much. I love you

Thank you all

-Louis x


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