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Harrystyles: @louist91 what even was this interview?

Conspiracies on iPhones...

Obviously, no truth to it...



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Louist91: "I've never been asked about it directly. But there is genuinely, seriously no truth to it. If you google conspiracies on iPhones, you will get conspiracies. There is obviously no truth to it, obviously." Great speech, I think. I must have convinced everyone... 

Zayn: @louist91 you can't lie for shit 

Username3: @louist91 at least you are self-aware that this interview gave us more proof than denying it

Username5: but @harrystyles, you are not much better; "is this song about your relationship with Louis Tomlinson", "uhm... people can believe what they want to believe.. but... uhm... *one minute of horse noises* I would lean towards no" 

Liampayne: @username5 @harrystyles not your best moment 

Harrystyles: @liampayne Lou was sat beside me during this interview and he kept distracting me and laughed his head off, it was hard to concentrate 

Louist91: @harrystyles I remember this. You were struggling so hard to say something that makes sense... describing it as horse noises is the most accurate one

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