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Harrystyles: 28.09.2013


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Louist91: before you all start speculating: we did not get married that day, neither were we engaged on that day (we were 19 and 21 for god's sake). I gave Harry a promise ring that day, that's how his iconic "we don't need no piece of paper from the city hall" tweet developed. I know that September 28th is like a holiday for you Larries and I did get 28 tattooed for that day 

Niallhoran: @louist91 thanks for clearing that. Do you know how many tweets there are every year on "Larry day" because of you? 

Louist91: @niallhoran I do actually, you are not the only one creeping on twitter. I think all of us do, except for Haz cause he doesn't know how to use it

Harrystyles: the picture you all saw from our supposedly wedding was from an award show btw, sorry about the confusion. The ring Lou gave me that day is the one I am always on a necklace, so I will never lose it and it always stands out from the others 

Zayn: @harrystyles you know, you don't have to apologize for not stating the matter. You weren't allowed to because of our management... 

Harrystyles: @zayn I know that, I just felt the need to do that 

Liampayne: @harrystyles you are too precious for that world 

Louist91: @liampayne ikr, he is so cute

A.N. I hope you are all doing alright

what do you think about September 28th? 

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