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Louist91: Harry is not the only one who keeps distracting someone during interviews...


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Username1: "that was a dog, I don't know where it came from, it doesn't live here. *whispers* Clifford" 

Louist91: @username1 I was at a management meeting and couldn't take Cliff with me, but I thought he might behave at least a little bit

Username5: Clifford is a dark Larrie 

Niallhoran: @username5 just like me 

Username2: @niallhoran no, are the darkest Larrie, you are the fricking Captain

Zayn: that was great tho, I like how even THE Harry Styles slips up during interviews

Harrystyles: @zayn you don't even know how many parts of interviews had to be cut out because either Lou or I slip up or because we keep running into camera view of the other

Username6: @harrystlyes 9-1-1, I want to report a robbery. We have been robbed of probably the cutest segments of interviews

Username3: I really want to thank Clifford tho. He gave us proof, but had an annoying (I can't really say anything, I don't know her personally) dogwalker. So, @harrystyles and @louist91 please give Cliff some treats and cuddles from all of us 

Louist91: @username3 we will, we will keep him extra long for our daily cuddle session

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