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Louist91: Because Haz already mentioned them in his last post, here are RBB and SBB. Yes, their twitter account was managed by us and we still have them in our living room


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Username5: that was such a stressful time. Every concert with the bears we had to analyze new stuff. Like the books written by an author named Larry, the blue and green stickers, the clothes... 

Username2: @username5 ikr, it was stressful, but also fun because we all knew it was real and Harry and Louis basically made us clown 

Username6: @username5 it was all fun and games until the rbbsbb twitter account got deleted and everyone was freaking out because we thought they broke up 

Louist91: @username6 we did not break up, but we were scared that the account might get hacked, so we deactivated it

Liampayne: do you remember in how much trouble you got for that but you still refused to take the bears down and even hired security just for them 

Harrystyles: @liampayne Simon was so pissed tho, but Lou stuck up for us :) 

Louist91: @harrystyles of course I did, I knew how much they meant to you

Username1: so it is true that the bears appeared in one of Lottie's Instagram stories a while back... 

Lottietomlinson: @username1 yes, it is, I was visiting them and decided to tease you guys

Username3: @lottietomlinson great, it's not like we need our hearts anyways

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