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Louist91: Harry looks kinda pissed; I think we were drunk that day


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Liampayne: you guys were drunk a lot, don't take notes kids 

Louist91: @liampayne daddy direction is back 

Liampayne: @louist91 I just want everyone to stay safe and healthy 

Zayn: @liampayne just shut up please 

Harrystyles: @louist91 @zayn TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS 

Niallhoran: @harrystyles or we could do it the tommo way 

Harrystyles: @niallhoran which is basically the same thing because the tommo way is actually sweet as well 

Louist91: @harrystyles thank you babe

Annetwist: I don't want to see you this wasted ever again, Harry 

Harrystyles: @annetwist sorry mum 

Gemmastyles: @annetwist mum, do you know how H wrote Fine Line? Right, high on mushrooms 

Harrystyles: @gemmastyles shut up, Gem

Louist91: @harrystyles TrEaT PeOpLe WiTh KiNdNeSs

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