CHAPTER 7: The Unexpected News

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                 Finally!!!! Nakauwi na rin ako. Nanny greet me and brought me my laptop.

"Thanks Nanny ❤️"  I said gratefully and take a sit on the couch.

"Welcome dear" she said smiling.

I set my laptop on zoom and waited for my parents which didn't take long.

"Sawadee kha!! Khun Mae, Khun Por!" (Hello!! Mom, Dad) I greeted.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Mom asked.

"I'm alright. Everything's fine" I said smiling.

"That's good" Dad said smiling.

"So... um.. what's the meeting all about?" I asked curiously.

"You know that our company is one of the most successful companies here in Thailand. And now, we've been offered an opportunity to merge our company with AGC" he said happily.

"Wait....AGC??? as in The Anderson-Grey Company??? The most top-rating company in Thailand and other countries??" I asked shockingly.

"Yes!!!" Dad answered happily.

"Really?? That's huge!! I'm speechless..I can't even believe it" I said surprisedly.

"Yeah I know.... But they want an arrangement that can only be settled by the heirs of the 2 companies" he said.

"WHAT??? Like an arrange marriage???" I asked panic-stricken.

"Yeah something like that" he said uncertainly after seeing my reaction.

"WAIT...  You mean to tell me that our company and The AGC will merge in exchange for my hand in marriage?!!! What about my school?? I haven't graduated yet!!!" I  asked shockingly.

"Yes, but if you don't want to, I'd totally understand. After all you're just turning 19. And I don't want you ending up getting hurt.

IF EVER YOU ACCEPT IT. I can give you some informations about him. Like name,age,etc and of course, I can show you a picture. And you don't have to worry about your school, The wedding will be after graduation but for the meantime an engagement will be considerable for the merging of the two companies" Dad said with understanding expression visible on his face.

"Umm... Mom, Dad, I need time to process this whole thing. Give me at least 3 days to think this through before I give you my answer. That's all I ask" I said seriously.

"Sure, take your time sweetheart" Dad said. And went offline.

What should I do??? I'm just turning 19. I'm far too young to be married!!!!!
RELAX KIMMY!! I need to calm down and think about this rationally.....
What am I thinking!!!

Nanny suddenly brought me out of my trance.

"How did it go??" Nanny asked.

"They wanted me to think about considering an arranged marriage" I said still not moving from my seat.

"Oh dear! They didn't force you into that, did they??" Nanny asked concern is visible on her face.

"No, they didn't. They just want me to think about it but they said they will support me whatever I decided to" I said.

"That's better" she said calmly.

"I think I'm going to bed now" I said feeling a little drained.

"Of course dear. Sleep well, goodnight" She said.

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