64. Mad

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"And now is I'm yelling over her
She yelling over me
All that that means
Is neither of us is listening
(And what's even worse?)
That we don't even remember why we're fighting"


Kennedy banks pov

"So I was thinking we have a beautiful outside wedding with white and black decor in front of a nice body of water and a sprinkle of doves here and there " the wedding planner starts as she lays out some ideas in front of me on the dining table

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"So I was thinking we have a beautiful outside wedding with white and black decor in front of a nice body of water and a sprinkle of doves here and there " the wedding planner starts as she lays out some ideas in front of me on the dining table .

I'm having my scheduled meeting with the wedding planner by myself once again and of course my indecisiveness is running this meet up longer then it should be . She's moving so fast and trying to get everything settled by the time that we want to get married but making all these decision alone is not easy especially when you don't know what the other person wants . I just wished my groom was here with me

"So what do you think ? " she asks excitedly

"Uhm " I start " well the setting sounds beautiful but I don't know if we're going to have our wedding out here or Chicago " I tell her honestly.

I know Von and I siblings are out here but my mother and some of Vons other family lives in Chicago plus that's our home . I thought it would be nice for us to get married where we were both born but of course I can't make that decision ithout knowing if he's on the same page .

"Okay we can arrange that too " she says writing a couple more things down in her book "where at exactly ?"

"Uhhhh" I tap my foot nervously "I don't know "I admit then shake my head .

Between this pregnancy, and Von not being here my head is just spinning . I know I'm the one getting married and want everything to be beautiful but I can't handle all this by myself. At this point I wouldn't mind just getting married in the living room without having to set dates and expectations to stuff that's so difficult to plan . I thought this would be fun , but it just feels like a job .

"Listen honey " she starts "I wanna help you as much as I can but I need to know what you want and when you want it . I'm here to make your dream wedding come to life "she explains . I know she means well but that just piled on more stress than I already have

"I know "I nod "I just have to think about a lot "

"I get it " she says and starts picking up the papers "how about this " she starts "you get your thoughts together and call me when you and your fiancé are ready to discuss" she tells me and I exhale and nod

"Okay thank you for everything " I nod at her while she rubs my shoulder and walks out the kitchen . As soon as I hear the front door shut I drop my head in my hands and burst into tears .

Everything feels like it spinning out of control . I don't have any idea on how to plan this wedding , I have to stress about if my baby is growing properly with this demented ass obstetrician, Von is almost never home anymore , and it feels like I'm handeling everything by myself .

I almost wanna go back to when we were into Puerto Rico and never come back home to all this unnecessary stress that has been added in my life . I thought when we came back to La everything would be easier but it turns out everything is harder then it was before we left.

It almost seems like Von used that trip as an distraction to have a little bit of peace before everything blows up in flames in this house hold .

Then to add on top of everything , he's acting like I proposed to myself . He hasn't done anything to include himself in the wedding planning I know he said he's going to do it when he gets everything settled with king but that day seems like it's never happening .

I don't know if it's the hormones , or I'm just emotional . But I feel so alone and I'm tired .

"Pop me a nigga like a perc I ain't never running "I hear as the front door opens and loud footsteps enter "Ken killllaaaa I got some cheese cakeeeeee!"von yells as he walks onto the kitchen .

"Hey "I sniff raising my head wiping my tears off my face trying to control them . He looks at me and drops the bags on the table then walk over to me and bends down

"What wrong ? "he asks lowly as he wild my face dry looking into my eyes

"Nothing "I lie shaking my head

"Don't lie to me " he warns " why you crying ? What happened ?" He asks concerned . I look at him for a second then shake my head before tearing back up and bursting into tears again , this time being held on his chest . "You good ken killa " he says rubbing my back making me feel like a bratty child

"I'm so stressed " I groan out into his body

"What you got to be stressed fa ?" He asks causing me to pop my head up and look at him .

"Because your never here to help me with the wedding we're supposed to be planning together "I snap unintentionally harder than I wanted to

"First of all you need to calm down your pregnant ass emotions "he starts "and secondly I told you I had sumn to do today so why you even tripping "

"I'm tripping cause your a liar "I say pushing him back

"What the fuck I need to lie to you for Kennedy ? " he asks as if I'm stupid "I told you where I was and why I couldn't plan wit you what the fuck you want me to do ?"

"I want you to be honest " I scream "if you don't want to have the wedding just say that I don't have the energy to be playing these back and forth a games with you "

"I am an artist Kennedy ! I can't jump every time you say jump I gotta work and if that mean I need to be in the studio while you planning then so be it "

"You weren't in the studio " I burst hitting his chest .

"How you gone tell me where I was at ? !"

"India called me when you showed up to the house for Durk , and it wasn't when you left out or even close to the time the wedding planning started "I tell him watching his face drop

Von told me he couldn't plan with me because of a studio session with Durk but india called me and said that Von showed up an hour ago at her house looking angry and anxious . Wherever he came from it wasn't no fucking studio and it damn sure wasn't wedding planning so where the hell could he have been ?

"Oh so now you don't have nothing to say ? " I asks him and he sighs before shaking his head knowing his lying ass is caught
"Exactly " I mumble rolling my eyes . "The wedding planning is off , I'm not doing this shit on my own "

"Kennedy just calm down , I was at "

"I don't care " I cut him off walking away

"Where you going ?!" He yells after me

" to the studio "

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