68. Heartless

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"How could you be so, cold as the winter wind when it breeze, yo
Just remember that you talkin' to me though
You know need to watch the way you talkin' to me, yo
I mean after all the things that we've been through
I mean after all the things we got into
Hey yo, I know of some things that you ain't told me
Hey yo, I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna get me back and you goin' show me"

~Kanye west

Omniscient pov

"Hey Kennedy "Kayla smiles brightly forcing Kennedy into a hug while she stands there in complete shock .

"Uhm hey Kayla "Kennedy says awkwardly looking past her "what are y- "

"Who at the door ?" Von asks walking behind Kennedy looking outside causing his face to immediately drop looking at who Kayla brought to his doorstep.

"Hey son "Lanora  smiles looking up at him .

Von stares at her for a second then looks at Kayla and shakes his head . He pulls Kennedy out the door way then slams it hard , locking it .

His attention shifts immediately to Her as he frowns thinking she had something to do with her coming  .

"Von I swear I didn't tell her to bring her here "she says holding her hands up in surrender practically reading his mind .

Although lanora texted her asking to see Von , she told her no and didn't mention anything about her and Kayla popping up out of no where so technically Von can't be mad at Kennedy although she didn't tell him about her contact with lanora at all.

"Did you know she was in the city ?" He asks her not changing his expression while she sighs looking away giving him the answer he needed

"Okay Von I knew she was coming but I told her to stay away and she didn't mention anything about coming to the house she just suggested - "

"I don't give a fuck what she suggested Kennedy!  I'm not fucking with that bitch ! "He snaps loudly

"Why you yelling at me? I didn't bring her here " Kennedy asks confused not understanding why all his anger is towards her .

Truth fully he isn't mad at her , he's mad at Kayla . Out of all people , she would be the last one he would expect to cross him like this . Then bringing lanora to his home has crossed the line ! He feels betrayed and hurt by her and doesn't know how to express it any other way then snapping .

"You right "he nods chuckling " you didn't bring her here "he says then starts storming towards the door while Kennedy chases after him .

"Von I can explain "Kayla starts as he swings the door open

"Shut up " Von stops her holding his hands up as he looks at lanora . "Since y'all want me to have this conversation so fucking bad I'm finna give it to y'all " he starts about to give them exactly what they've been asking for .

He's sick of them trying to force a conversation between him and lanora and trying to build a relationship. He's been trying to stay away and ignore it for the sake of their feelings believe it or not , but since they've been begging for it he decided to lay everything out on the table for the last time .

"I've been trying to spare yo bitch ass for years now , but I see you so much of a pest you wanna come back for more "he says looking lanora in her eyes so she knows he means every word that's about to come out his mouth

"Listen boy "lanora says standing up "I know you have a lot to say but what I won't allow is the disrespect. You may not claim me as your mother but I'm still a woman "

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