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may 14, 2020


"oh bitch you big as fuck." i said rubbing onto crystal's belly.

she smacked her teeth, "tell me some shit i don't know,"

i pulled out her chair letting her sit before sitting down myself.

"what you bout to order?" i asked looking down at the menu, then back up at her.

she shrugged, "damn near everything, shit sound good."

i laughed shaking my head, "on bro but these waffles sound scrumptious."

after we got our food, we finally decided to have 'the talk,'


"wait, does liyah even ike me?" crystal asked looking up at nylasia.

nylasia responded by shrugging, "i don't know, she's been acting really distant. she barley tells me anything anymore."

crystal nodded her head, she kept quiet not wanting to bring up what happened the night nylasia attempted suicide.

after crystal found nylasia, she used her phone to call liyah because she knew that was her best friend that was down for anything.

liyah did end up answering after the first ring, but when crystal explained the situation, liyah sounded uninterested. and she told crystal to call polo instead, hanging up.

"she's probably just going through something herself." crystal said shrugging, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

nylasia nodded her head, but deep down she knew it was something more than that.

"anyways, we didn't come to eat out to talk about liyah did we?" she took a sip of her orange juice dismissing the feelings she was starting to have speaking about liyah.

"you're right, we're here to talk about you and polo." crystal said while nylasia was choking on a strawberry.

nylasia cleared her throat sitting up, "huh?"

crystal laughed shaking her head, "ian stutter girly."

"we came all the way up here to talk about taurus? girl we coulda done that shit on the phone or even at my crib. what we out eating fa?"

nylasia sat back in her seat attempting to study crystal, but she seemed calm and undisturbed.

nylasia was an over thinker, so every scenario was playing in her head as to how this day might pan out.

the one thing that was getting to her was the fact that crystal was here to tell her to stay away from her soon to be child. nylasia didn't want to think like that but she couldn't help but do it.

maybe because of the fact that polo broke up with crystal for nylasia is why she was panicking.

there was nothing wrong with their relationship, or so nylasia thought.

nobody knew this, but behind closed doors polo and crystal would fight often. almost all the time.

they wouldn't communicate their issues with each other, they would just argue without hearing each other out.

they never got over these arguments but just acted like they never happened.

they were growing apart tremendously to the point that they would rarely talk, nobody knew this because they posted on social media acting as if everything was fine. but deep down they were falling out of love with each other.

in crystals case, she would do whatever to make their relationship work because she never loved anybody like how she loved polo.

but in polo's cause, the more him in crystal went through trials and tribulations, the more he knew nylasia was the one he was longing for.

this ultimately resulted in their break up, it was never bad blood because they got along better not in a relationship and being apart as well.

"girl are you even listening?" crystal asked breaking nylasia from her train of thought.

nylasia looked up at her giving her a small smile, "my fault, what you was saying?"

crystal sighed rubbing her belly, "it's never no bad blood between us ny. i fuck wit you heavy, ain't shit you could do to make me think otherwise.

i hate that we even have to talk about this shit or think about it at all. but ion want you to think that if you fuck wit polo that we gone have some beef just cause i'm the mother of his child. i'm not for the baby mama drama at all, you're my friend. and what y'all got going on runs hella deep, ya feel me?"

nylasia smiled at her nodding, "crystal you so sweet pooh, it ain't too many girls i know like you. strong as hell, independent, beautiful, and ain't with the drama shit. i fucking love yo crazy ass, it was so many times ian wanna fuck wit taurus simply because of you. now you got me in this shit crying."

crystal wiped her tears that were starting to fall, "we just two big ass crybaby's in this hoe."

"in this how crying ova a nigga we both love the hell." nylasia said laughing.

crystal laughed as well, "i love yo crazy ass." she said admiring nylasia.

nylasia grabbed her hand squeezing it, "i love yo crazy ass too ma."


the last time i updated was october🤨🤨. why y'all ain beat me up??

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