Last Thing On My Mind (part 1)

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I resisted temptation of writing one of these long enough! It's a Hunger Games au, and sadly it's also a multi-parter so I hope you enjoy it.
T/W across whole story death, fighting, gore. Just you know what if you don't enjoy death and fighting this isn't the fic for you...

Faye sat on her bed crying as she stared at the pictures in her locket. She wished she could have just one more hug from her sister like they'd shared after the reaping and so many times before that fateful day, but she knew she never would again. That last time they'd been together, where Clare and her had both cried so much but pretended they weren't, was going to be the final time Clare got to be with her. She'd never expected that she'd get chosen, she'd seen so many people put their names in extra times so many time the past she thought just once wouldn't hurt. And yet here she was. The last night she could be certain she'd still be alive for. There was only so much feeling gorgeous gowns, make-up and pretty hairstyles for public facings and the luxuries of living in the capitol could smother. Only material comforts could really come from having, to her eyes, endless food and soft pillows and new, soft, fluffy teddies. There was no comfort anywhere here for the emotional hell she was going through tonight, though at least she had a teddy she could tuck against herself as she cried. She wished she was back up the trees in the orchids of 11, picking the fruit from the highest branches (she was ridiculously light so she could get up higher than most of the boys and adults) like she had her whole life. She tried her best to draw herself back to her reality as the door to her room opened very quietly, and someone shuffled across the room to join her. She tried to stop crying as well, so she seemed more like she was as calm as she could be, but knew it wouldn't work.
"I might not be your mum or any of your friends, but I can still offer you a hug if you need one." Ian announced as he sat down with her. He was her companion, the only other person in the games from District 11 and even though they didn't like each other normally she was becoming glad she had him. His cheesy jokes and ways of annoying her did a good job of taking her mind off what they both knew was going to happen. Becoming friends with Ian Watkins was another thing she'd never expected would happen.
She sighed and rubbed the tears from her face, nodding slightly as she did. He slipped his arms round her and she hugged him back and for a while they just sat and cried together.
"You have a sister right?" He asked. "I think I saw you with her back home that's all." It was the first time he'd asked about back home, to be fair it was the first time he'd wanted to think of it.
Faye nodded, slipping her one arm out from round him so she could show him the locket. She pointed at the one picture. "That's her. She's amazing and I'm glad my parents still have her for company. You have siblings too right?"
"Yeah two little brothers. One too young to even really understand the whole death thing. I only put my name in extra times so I know they'll have food in the winter." He replied, tears welling up in his eyes again.
Faye slipped her arms back round him, trying to find something to say that could make him feel better. "Well hey! Look it's alright. Think of it this way, at least you know they're safe this year."
"Yeah. I guess there's that." He replied. "Who knows about the future, but at least they're alright for now."
She took a deep breath as her tears threatened to fight their way back out again. "You'll stay with me in there right?"
"We might not stand much of chance, but we have more if we stick together." He replied. "Actually thinking of home, hypothetically, if you survive, would you be able to watch my brothers?"
"Sure. And if you survive you'll help my family right?"
He nodded. They both knew it was unlikely, but they also wanted that reassurance.


"You can't seriously expect me to believe you think I could win Claire." Lee moaned as they sat on the balcony staring out across the capital. They were both trying to enjoy the beauty with their last night, knowing they should be asleep but neither of them could drift off tonight, so had sat out together with their blankets round them, Claire with her soft teddy she'd been given on arrival and become so attached to. She'd rather have had one from home, but they hadn't been allowed to bring their own belongings apart from those they'd had at the reaping.
"Let's face it, you stand more chance than me." Claire told him.
Lee sighed, rubbing his hand against her arm. She was so much younger than him and so innocent that he felt so bad that she was actually here. There would have been so many other girls that could, in Lee's opinion should, have been chosen from District 12, older, stronger and more experienced, but no Claire had been picked instead. She was weak, innocent, and they both knew she didn't stand a chance in reality. "You're small and light, you can spring your way up trees."
"Yeah but have you seen the girl from 11 do that! Anyway, you're stronger and faster than me, or the boys from 11 and 10. And I guess most the girls too." Knowing she wouldn't have much luck learning a new skill in such little time she'd instead spied on the other competitors to try and learn their skills. She'd picked up a lot she could use to help someone else.
Lee shook his head. "That doesn't really help."
Neither of them had any hope really. Neither of them could even try to imagine one or other would make it alive.
"At least you made this better." Claire whispered. "You've been like a big brother the last few days."
He smiled slightly. "It's wrong you even have to be here."
She sighed. "It's just my horrible luck though. I've got used to it."
"It'll be over soon enough." Lee told her gently.
With a deep breath, she looked up at the stars high above them and tried not to cry as she did. "I think I'm ready for it. Just a shame I can't see my family one last time."
Lee looked up at the stars too, trying to hide his own need to cry. "I think prepared's all we can be. And your family will love you forever Claire, don't worry."
They stayed sat like that, Lee's arm round Claire, for a while until both of them found their necks ached from looking up so long, at which point they lay down, each tucked under their own blankets to watch the stars instead. They lay there so long that they both accidentally fell asleep.

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