Better the Devil you Know

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"I feel like we have to go to somewhere scary. It's Halloween we're celebrating!" Lisa declared. "It's just where?"
Claire looked uncomfortable just considering the idea, not aided by H's yelling of "Oh Alton Towers to terrify Claire!"
"On the same idea, though not to scare Claire but for the fun, we could do Thorpe Park. It's closer to London." Faye suggested.
"Nooo! Can we do somewhere cutsie if we have to do a theme park?" Claire moaned.
Ever required to be the voice of reason, Lee groaned. "Guys we're not just taking Claire to be traumatised. Somewhere enjoyable but still creepy. Oh like what-they-call-it... Crinkly Hollow." When that got met by a blank look from all his friends he tried a different approach. "Okay maybe everyone else called it Blobbyland."
"No!" Faye squeaked inadvertently. "No anywhere else please! The idea of Mr Blobby is bad enough. Don't you dare take me to his house!"
"I don't think any of those are even still going. And you know Faye's scared of him." Claire said. Faye breathed a sigh of relief at not having to deal with that and smiled slightly at Claire.
"Oh my god. Can I dress up as Mr Blobby?" H asked, eyes wide with mischief.
"You dress as the Blobby-freak I will use you as a blobby-pinata Watkins." Faye retorted.
"Again. It's Halloween yes, but we're not traumatising each other. I genuinely forgot Faye's scared of Mr Blobby. Sorry." Lee said.
Lisa sighed reluctantly, realising they were never going to get anywhere. "Why don't we just go to a Halloween party. Or have one ourselves. I guess that works too."
"Oh! The club by me does this awesome haunted house themed thing on Halloween." Faye offered with a cheeky grin, already picturing Claire dressed up as something inevitably more cute than scary and giggling from alcohol. She also knew exactly what she was going to dress up as, she'd thought up the perfect character to be to complement the dreadlocks her hair was currently styled in. "And yes you can all dress up."


Somehow, being nearest the club they'd chosen to go to, Faye's was the house they'd all chosen to convene at. So the natural response to that was seeing her partner out to see his friends, no matter how much she might want to do some Halloweeny nonsense. Very casually as he went out they kissed just inside the front door, him already prepared for his party, her very much not ready at all and when they pulled apart they smiled at each other.
"Stay safe my little Witchling." He teased.
"I will! You stay safe too. I love you." She replied, before grabbing his key from the side and pressing it into his hand before she had chance to suggest anything else. "Now go before I consider doing unspeakable things to you while you're dressed like that, min gotiske prins." She loved to tease him with the odd phrase of Danish, just to prove she remembered it. And to be fair with his all black outfit and the crown-like band round his head he really was looking like a Gothic prince.
"Will do. Love you min hekseri." He replied, kissing her again before backing out the door with a grin. For a moment after she closed the door behind him she leant against it grinning to herself. Then she went to do her make-up ready, finding her darkest eyeshadow, lipstick and mascara and methodically applying each one to make her look as creepy as she could. Unfortunately halfway through the process of applying eyeshadow there was a knock at the door. It still being light outside she knew it wouldn't be any trick-or-treaters, and she half considered not getting it until she realised that it was likely one of her bandmates. So with a groan she headed down to answer the door.
"Faye what the hell happened to your... oh it's just make-up. God that looks freaky." Lee announced in the doorway as he saw her make-up. One eye covered in black eyeshadow and the other hardly touched she could entirely see what Lee was getting at, it could look a little like she'd bruised her face.
"Yeah shut up. You disrupted me right in the middle of it." She replied. "It'll look less bruisy and more witchy when I'm done. I hope anyway."
He sighed. "I'm sure it'll look fine. You're putting in a hell of a lot more effort than me."
"Make up and costumes and stuff is kinda my whole thing. Basically I'm not sure why you're surprised." She retorted.
Lee shrugged, took his shoes off and then went to the kitchen to make them both a drink while Faye finished her make-up. He knew where everything was in the kitchen anyway so she knew he was fine; him, Claire and Lisa had stayed at her's a few too many times over the last year. Plus down there he was out of her way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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