Last Thing On My Mind (part 6)

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T/w - this bit is about half set in a hospital.

It wasn't until the following morning the trio were sat down together and finally told the conditions of both their friends. Despite the comfort and warmth of being back in a building they'd all had a restless night because of varying reasons (one being worries about the other two), and none of them were faring much better today than they had been fresh out the arena yesterday. But at least they were going to find out how their friends were.

Lee sat himself in the middle, knowing if there was bad news - especially about Faye - Claire and Ian would need comfort. Claire had her teddy in her arms, and Ian had found one too from somewhere. Lee ended up starting the conversation with them both cuddled against him anyway.
"The news is mixed unfortunately. We'll start with the good. Lisa is okay, she was just knocked unconscious at some point during the attack on her. We have her currently under sedation so we could clean her wounds without worrying about her coming round, but she should be fine after that wears off in a couple of days." The doctor said.
Ian started to bite his lip, realising that if Lisa was the good news it was likely going to be bad news for Faye. Lee rubbed Ian's shoulder.
"Faye on the other hand is not as good."
Ian nodded and Claire teared up just at the mere thought she might have to lose Faye. Lee hugged them both a bit tighter.
"We've cleaned her wound thoroughly, stitched and bandaged it, given her anti-biotics, but we don't know how far the infection had taken hold. Given she lost her balance quite badly and a lot of her co-ordination we think if she does manage to wake up and recover from this she could face lasting issues beyond a scar. We just don't know what."
Ian couldn't get a grip of himself, his mind was straying all over the place from worry. Claire meanwhile had picked up on something he hadn't. "If she manages to wake up? Does that mean you don't know if she will?" She asked quietly, pressing herself closer to Lee and squeezing the teddy.
The doctor nodded slowly. "Unfortunately yes, we... well its not certain if she'll pull through yet or not. We're going to watch her closely over the next 48 hours and if the swelling in her arm doesn't start to go down then it's unlikely she'll come back."
"What room's she in? I... I need to see her." Ian managed to ask.
"I'm not sure I can..."
"I don't care if we're not allowed she's our best friend, we want to see her one last time before she dies, I... if she dies I mean. Well I do if the others don't."
"I'd want to as well." Lee added. Claire just nodded tearfully.

They were led down the hallway, the doctor pointing out Lisa's room and telling them that they were allowed to visit her so long as there were no nurses changing her bandages, to the room Faye was in. Claire had really misjudged her ability to not feel weak and queasy in a medical situation, and on seeing Faye so pale still and with needles stuck in her good arm, her bad arm wrapped so tightly in a bandage there was a stain already starting to form on, she turned and buried her face in Lee's top.
"Shhhhh... It's fine to be scared." Lee whispered to her as she started to cry and shake uncontrollably. "Do you want to go back outside? I'll come join you in a minute."
She shook her head against him, though couldn't find any words. She just wanted to be near him and near her friend at the same time.
Ian meanwhile had sat himself on the edge of the bed and very carefully taken Faye's cold little hand, slipping his fingers up to her wrist to check. And yes, she was still alive for the moment. He went to lift her hand and gently kiss it in reassurance, but decided better of it when he looked again at the needles. Instead he got off the bed, knelt on the floor and kissed her hand without moving it. "Faye if you get better and wake up you will go home to your sister." He whispered as Lee and Claire left, hoping the doctor loitering in the doorway wouldn't overhear.
The doctor tried to encourage Ian out the room as Claire and Lee headed back to the sitting room. "Can I stay with her a bit?" Ian asked. "Just as comfort for both of us?"
There was a moment of quiet. "I can give you 20 minutes. Then you'll have to come back tomorrow." The doctor replied.
"Thank you." Ian replied. And so for 20 minutes he sat on the floor, stroking Faye's hand and hoping that she somehow knew it was him. Knew she was safe. Knew she wasn't alone.

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