Better Best Forgotten

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There's a really weird interview that does the rounds every now and then where the band almost imply they had all tried... we'll call it different options, so that's where this idea came from.
Forewarning: This gets heated in Faye's part, so if you don't want to read a steamy scene I recommend just skipping over that.

Waking up with a throbbing headache is never a good start to your day, especially when the next thing you realise is that you're in bed with someone. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know right then who I was with. It could be pretty much any of the others involved in the tour given how much my head ached, although I hoped it would be someone I could easily pass off as being a drunken mistake. H would be fine as long as we could keep Tim from finding out, the others wouldn't tell anyone outside the group and we could act like nothing ever happened to cover our tracks if anyone asked, it'd just be awkward as he was dating our manager. I sort of hoped it wasn't Lee, him being... well the hot one would never end well. I'd expected it to be one of the boys, after all that could easily have happened while drunk. So naturally moving my hand and finding it tangled in golden curls made me shriek.
"Go back to sleep." Murmured a voice that definitely belonged to the only curly golden blonde I knew as she batted sleepily at my hand.
How the hell had I woken up in this situation with Faye? How would that have even worked? I didn't want to know. And she had a boyfriend! "Faye? What the hell happened?" I asked.
"What'd ya mean?" She asked sleepily. She very clearly wasn't awake properly so anything we discussed she'd probably have forgotten in about half an hour.
"Did we... no. Actually I don't want to know."
"Mmmkay." She mumbled, fidgeted slightly shrugging the strap of her top back on her shoulder, and then dropped straight back to sleep. I meanwhile decided I needed to move. We had done something last night, the last thing we needed was either of us to decide to carry it on, even though now we were both sober I'm sure neither of us would. Out of bed I thought of the first thing I could to take my mind off the idea of what I'd done, grabbed my jumper from after the show last night off the chair and pulled it back on over my arms, clutching it closed around me so that hopefully no-one noticed I was still in my going out outfit from the night before. I glanced at Faye one last time before opening the door and sneaking out, pulling the door closed silently before running across the hallway as lightly as I could barefoot. I hadn't thought to grab my heels, not that they'd have helped. I unlocked my door as quickly as I could and slipped into my room. Knowing I'd had sex with someone other then Johnny last night was making me feel icky, even if it was with another girl and therefore felt somehow a little less like cheating, so I decided to take a shower to try and both calm me down and remove the bad feelings. After a long long while it did, I felt calmer and clean again.

For a bit I sat on my bed, the hotel towel wrapped round me, just trying to see how much of last night I could remember. Either unfortunately or fortunately there wasn't much. I didn't think I could have drunk enough last night to have got to the stage of blackout drunk, but the signs were suggesting otherwise. Mind you given we were in Amsterdam maybe there'd been other substances at play. I'd hope I was wise enough not to try it, but getting second hand high from other people's smoke was a risk. It had been Lee, Faye and I that left the hotel and headed to a bar a few blocks away, I remembered that much clearly. It had been a nice bar, slightly American in style with neon lights inside and a jukebox and all the strange bar games. And we'd danced, Faye and I had dragged Lee onto the dancefloor to join us, I remember that. I remember Faye and I playing the piano in the back corner together at some point. We'd played a few different songs together, but even which songs had all blurred together. A lot of what I remembered after that was hazy, I wasn't even sure how we'd got back to the hotel without falling into one of Amsterdam's many canals. But I knew the three of us had ended in one room together and all agreed to what we were going to do. That was the main thing, we'd all consented to do it. And everything I vaguely remembered beyond that point I tried my best to not think about in the hope the memories would go away. Whatever else had happened I concluded it was likely for the best I forgot it, even though if I thought about it enough I'd likely piece it back together fully.

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