After the Love has Gone

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I promised these would be inspired by the songs not the video but I've always wondered how the situation of Faye getting kidnapped by the Chinese Mafia would have occurred to cause the story of this video so enjoy I guess.

"Remind me why we're doing this?" Claire asked sleepily, trying not to fall back asleep on the desk. Nobody had really enjoyed waking up at 5am to come to a meeting.
"Because we need someone to stop that data being leaked. If it's shared to all dissident factions around the globe we're barreling towards disaster." Pete repeated.
Lisa groaned. Her and Faye had pretty much just got into their shared flat after a night clubbing at the point they'd been phoned so neither was in the mood. "We're barreling towards disaster anyway." Lisa mumbled.
"What's stopping them from already having distributed it by the time we get there? Hell they could be right now!" Lee said.
"Nothing admittedly, but we expect they'll hold out this blackmailing act a little longer first." Pete said. "Now in terms of being out there we have a couple of agents already, as I'm sure Lisa and Claire know."
Faye smirked as she shot a glance at her friends' embarrassment - while her choice in men hadn't always been the brightest at least none of her longer term partners had been agents as well. 
"You'll be meeting the four of them over there don't worry. Tim'll be flying across with you too, as you'd expect."
At that both Faye and Lee groaned. Apparently everyone was destined to have a sexual partner but them, and that hadn't ended so well before.
"Dare I ask what time we fly?" H asked.
"You'll be leaving here at 10am. Flight's later today. So I'd recommend you all get home to pack. And sober up ladies." Pete instructed.

That was how the five of them and Tim had found themselves on a plane destined for Hong Kong. Lisa and Faye had naturally failed at sobering up in time for the flight so had both fallen asleep quickly, leaning up against each other as they had a tendency to do. Claire spent half the flight fretting about inevitably having forgotten something, and what if various (progressively less and less likely) situations arose, while Lee had played on his GameBoy. He hadn't dared look over at H and Tim. Knowing they'd have to spend the next who knew how long together most of them had just avoided each other to have their time to themselves. The last thing they'd need would be to make the situation more awkward than it needed to be. As the flight went on everyone eventually slept, 12 hours on a plane meant there isn't much else you can do, and when they weren't sleeping they mostly entertained themselves. At one point it was just Faye and Lee awake of the group and they stared at each other awkwardly over Lisa, until Faye eventually excused herself. She went all the way round the bank of seats and Lee assumed she just needed the loo until she stood right next to him. In the time since their last foreign deployment he'd almost forgotten how much a combination of her being a mess from sleeping in a seat and his sleep deprivation made her hotter to him.
"So what are we to each other? We never worked that out and we need to if we're going to be forced to be together more." Faye asked quietly, so not to wake either Lisa or Claire.
Lee shrugged. He'd never given it much thought. They'd never had any romantic involvement with each other unlike the other couples they spent time with, but they did have a tendency to sleep together. But naturally on both ends feelings had snuck in at times. "Honestly. I don't know. I never have. What does it mean to you?"
"I don't know for sure either, that's why I asked." Faye replied.
"Yeah that figures." Lee said. He felt Claire shifting a little beside him and the conversation stopped, just in case she woke. The others (besides Lisa, who Faye had told because they currently lived together and before that Lisa'd lived with Lee) didn't really know the nights together were a regular thing.
"We can't keep ignoring it though. Sooner or later someone will get hurt or I'll forget my tablet knowing me or something bad will happen and it won't end well unless we, for a start, know what this is." Faye rambled. She'd sobered up and was tired, being succinct was not a skill she possessed in that moment.
"Yeah you should probably consider an alternative to the pill given your memory." Lee teased.
She stuck up her middle finger but rolled her eyes teasingly.

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