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I could have taken this so many places, but I loved this idea most. I suppose it's only loosely linked to the song title, but still... Secondary School Steps again!

Faye was staring into space during history, which was nothing new. She never paid attention, but Lisa already knew what she was daydreaming about.
"H can I borrow this?" Lisa whispered, picking up his notebook as the teacher went outside with one of the boys who wasn't behaving.
He shrugged, so she took it, considered her action for a moment and then smacked it against Faye's shoulder anyway. She let out a little shriek and glared at Lisa.
"Really?" She moaned.
"I know you think Mr Romeo is hot, but you don't seem to have noticed you're in class." Lisa replied, tossing the notebook back to H.
"He kinda is to be fair." H replied.
"Shut up H." Lisa said, before turning back to Faye. "Look your sister will tease you forever if you get a boyfriend before her."
"She already teases me because of that crush on Jay remember?" Faye retorted. "Anyway Lee's so, so cute."
Lisa rolled her eyes. "You can't date your co-star. You're a fan of enough different shows to know that always ends badly."
"To be fair, as Juliet it might be helpful to be in love with Romeo. You'll make a better show of it than Katie was presenting." H teased. Faye wasn't originally meant to be playing Juliet in their self constructed musical rendition of Romeo and Juliet, but after Katie (a girl a year older than them) had managed to break her ankle Faye - who hadn't landed herself a roll originally due to sickness the week of the auditions - had taken over the part, and everyone thought she was making a much better job.
"H!" Lisa warned. He dutifully shut up, though sat grinning to himself for a good few minutes after. She didn't want to know what follow-up comment might have popped into his head to cause him to giggle so much.
Faye sighed, she really did have a crush on Lee, even if he was the year above them. "I get it. It's silly. He'd never feel the same way for me. The only reason he knows my name is because I'm Juliet I'm sure."
Lisa sighed. She was slightly jealous of her friend for two reasons at the minute, one she was certain the blonde would always be so much prettier than she was, and two Faye had been picked to be Juliet over her, though she refused to let that show. They'd been best friends for ages the last thing Lisa wanted was to fall out with Faye over something as silly as a role. "You're gorgeous, but you've got to remember he's the year above."
"What is it with you and older males?" H asked.
Faye rolled her eyes at the reminder, then grabbed a highlighter out of her pencil case and launched it at H to alleviate her frustrations. H rubbed his arm where it had hit, then launched it back.
"Faye, Ian are you trying to end up with detentions again?" Their teacher asked as she came back into the room.
Faye grabbed her highlighter before H could and shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing as she did. Their teacher sighed and then got the rest of the class' attention before carrying on teaching. It was only a few minutes before Faye had gone back to her imaginary world, but Lisa couldn't be bothered with rescuing her from it again. Learning about the Tudors was boring and anyway everyone did the order of Henry VIII's wives in Primary school.


Lisa was counting down the minutes until she was out of class. After this lesson they were going for a last minute rehearsal, sound check and stuff like that, then they were free to go out and get dinner before the show. She wasn't so much excited for the soundchecks as she was for getting out of Science, but she was really excited to get to go out with her friends. Her, Ian, Faye and Claire (a girl the year below them playing another role that involved her spending a lot of time on stage with Lisa and Faye) had agreed to go out together before the show, although Lisa had her suspicions that Lee may or may not get invited along as well. It wouldn't be the first time Faye had invited a guy along with them between finishing school and doing a show (that'd been Jay, a drummer in a rock-style band for the school talent show last year and Faye's last try at a crush).
"Oh look who she found." H moaned with a roll of his eyes as Lee followed Faye over.
"He didn't have anyone who wanted to come with." Faye explained.
Lisa refrained from rolling her eyes too. "We can take him as well. Come on."
Faye smiled, shooting a glance at Lee who smiled back. Their whole walk to the chip shop on the corner Faye chatted to Lee about anything she could, him barely getting a word in between her excited talking.
"Sorry, she gets a bit talkative sometimes." Lisa said gently taking Faye's hand and then sharply tugging her back when they were just outside. Walking behind them Lisa had seen the looks Faye was giving him and she recognised her best friend's tone. She'd clearly fallen head over heels for him. Faye pouted at Lisa who just stared at her sternly, waiting for Lee to get out of earshot into the shop before saying anything. "Faye any night but tonight. Please. You can't fall in love with him today." She whispered.
"But I do love him..." Faye replied.
"I can tell, but I don't want you to ruin this experience for yourself if it turns out... I don't know... that he's got a girlfriend or he's not interested like that." Lisa told her.
Faye sighed. "I suppose you're right."
"Honestly, I'll be there when you get round to wanting to ask him, if you'd want me there obviously, but please just let the shows happen before you do. Better a lovesick Juliet than an incredibly awkward pair of 'star crossed lovers'." Lisa teased.
Faye laughed then dragged Lisa into the chip shop after their friends.

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