Say You'll be Mine

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Advanced notice: there are hints at adult topics in this, and apologies if you find reading this uncomfortable for any reason.
Swearing warning!

"Lee please it's just for while we're here. I'm so scared it's unreal." Faye begged him while they were sat backstage at an interview, ignoring H and Claire out on the stage getting the popular votes like H always did. Lisa was just hurt they'd chosen Claire over her to be up there with H while the other two were so used to being pushed aside for segments of shows they were just becoming a bit indifferent. They'd landed in South Africa around 12 hours ago and so far had only slept (even Lisa and Faye had for once, due to Lisa feeling travel sick and Faye being pretty scared), got up this morning and turned straight up for this interview.
"We'll be fine Faye you're just being superstitious." Lisa replied.
Faye groaned at her friend's response. "Irrational not superstitious, it's nothing to do with the supernatural. And anyway I'm not! I just... I know South Africa isn't a great place if you're a young white woman. Well that's what my friends said."
"You're engaged, surely that's enough to see off any decent guy?" Lee said, trying his best to ignore H's loud voice from over the radio system from the TV set.
"No Lee it's not always. There's always temptation and alcohol but if you're alongside me then no-one's probably going to want to hurt me because you look strong and threatening." Faye said. In truth she'd had an argument with Jasper before she'd had to go away with the rest of them which had made her really uncomfortable around him, but was too scared to tell anyone other than Lisa, so was acting like nothing had happened. "Lise you can be his sister if you're worried too." She added.
"I'm fine." Lisa replied with a shrug. She wasn't the most cautious normally, and Claire was often worried more about the brunette than Faye as a result. If anyone was going to accidentally find a murderer it would likely be Lisa.
"But Jasper?" Lee asked.
"It's a few days while we're here. Please pretend to be my fiance! Please?" Faye begged him again.
Considering his options, Lee sighed. He would feel a lot safer if the girls stuck with him or H, and he knew Faye would pick him over their blond band mate any day. "Okay fine. But only for a few days. And like Faye said Lise you're pretending to be my sister no matter what you say. I want to look after you both."
Faye let out a relieved sigh and kissed his cheek playfully. "Thank you." She whispered to him.
He groaned but said nothing. Having feelings for Faye normally proved an easy task, he knew she was happy with Jasper and anyway things needed to stay professional. But now, having to pretend to be her boyfriend for the next few days, it was going to prove a challenge. Especially given that her and Jasper weren't too great given the conversation he'd overheard between Faye and Lisa on the plane.

"Oh la la!" H teased walking in at the wrong moment.
"No H. You know I'm engaged." Faye retorted.
"Don't go telling me! It looked like you were the one in need of reminding for a moment there missy." H laughed.
She shot him a rude gesture, and scowled. "Look, I'm scared and I thought if Lee and I pretended to date I'd be much less of a target for wandering males."
H made a mime of pretending to hit himself in the face. "How silly! Of course that's what it was." He said before laughing again and sitting down next to Lisa.
"Don't tease her." Lisa told him bitterly.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because you're being a nob again." Lisa said crudely.
"Am not." He moaned.
Lisa rolled her eyes but dropped the conversation, sensing it would only bring about awkwardness in interviews later if not, though she mumbled an insult under her breath in French, knowing H wouldn't have a clue what she'd just said about him. Faye had just quietly cursed him in Danish, so it wasn't like Lisa was doing something out of turn - it was commonplace with H around.


Faye clung to Lee's arm like her life depended on it as they walked around that evening. To be fair she was quite scared, but she'd still wanted to go out with the other two when she was given the choice anyway, just for a while even though it was dark. She bit her lip as they walked and wished that her hair wasn't so noticeable so she could blend in with the crowds even more.
"Could you possibly loosen your grip just the slightest bit?" Lee asked her.
Faye shook her head, her eyes wide. There were a few tears pooling in the bottom of her eyes causing the light to catch and almost make them sparkle if you got the right angle. "But what if... what if... ahhh no I can't even say it out loud."
"I don't mean let go of me, but I would quite like to still have an arm by the end of the night if you wouldn't mind." He laughed. "I knew you'd get freaked out quickly. I said you should have stayed back at the hotel with H and Claire." Lee reminded her.
"No I want to explore, just... I'm scared okay?" Faye retorted. Then she looked round in a panic. "Fuck fuck fuck. Where's Lisa? Fuuuck."
"It's fine I've got her." Lee replied as he swung his arm Faye wasn't hugging to show that he was holding Lisa's hand, and Faye breathed a sigh of relief.
"Honestly Faye, we can just go back to the hotel if you'd rather." Lisa said.
Faye shook her head and drew the last of her courage from deep within herself. "I'm fine."
"You confuse me child." Lisa said, knowing Faye wasn't really alright. "I mean you can watch a horror film and be mostly fine but out here you're terrified."
"That's because horror films aren't real. I mean I'd hardly likely to be attacked by a doll in real life am I?" Faye replied, before going back to walking along quietly with Lee.

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