Nightmare... Or Not

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When you come back from work...
Ding, goes my phone. I look to see I got a text from Gabe.

G Y/N, Nathan needs your help fast!

Y Ok, I will be right there.

I go to my car and drive to Nathan's house.

When you get to Nathan's house...

I pull up. I get out and run inside. I saw Nathan was tied up on a chair. James was holding a knife, with a mischievous grin on his face. Gabe was trying to calm James down. "What in the world are you doing!?!", I ask James. He looks my way and his smile turns into a frown. "Don't you understand? You are supposed to be with me, not him", he says as he points his knife toward Nathan when saying "him". "I am meant to be with Nathan! Not you!", I yell at him. James goes over to Nathan and starts to bring it downward. Gabe tackles him right before the knife hit Nathan. James then was about to do the same thing he was going to do with Nathan, to Gabe. I kick the knife out of his hand. He reaches for it and hits Gabe. He runs towards Nathan and me and Gabe tackle him at the same time. I go unconscious.

A little bit later...
I woke up in an unfamiliar bed breathing rather heavily. Nathan walks out of the connected bathroom. "Y/N you are awake!", he rejoiced. "Yeah", I say. "I had a horrible dream!", I add. (Exaggeration on horrible). "Y/N", Nathan says. "Yeah", I reply. "That was no dream", he says. I stare at him. "W - what do y -you mean?", I ask him extremely concerned. "James did do all of that", he tells me. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright!?!", I ask him with much more concern in my voice. "Yeah, just a little burn mark", he says. "Let em see", I say. He shows me his wrist, which had a red line in the shape of a rope around it. "It really wasn't a dream", I exclaim. Nathan nods his head. "What happened to James and Gabe?", I ask him. "Well Gabe calmed James down and now James is being punished. "How?", I ask him. "Let me show you", he says as he walks out of the room with a grin on his face. I follow him. He bought me to the living room. I giggle slightly when I see James trapped in a tiny iron cage, probably made to contain Nathan. James looked rather tired. Then I saw Gabe. He had a long cut on his arm, probably symbolizing where James had hit him. At least no one was seriously injured. Nathan put his arm around my shoulder.

Nathan's POV
I put my arm around Y/N's shoulder. "You know what?", I ask her. "What?", she asks. "The whole thing was filmed on camera", I tell her. "Was this a prank?", she asks me. "No, we were filming a video for the 2.0 channel", I inform her. "And let me guess, James didn't know", she asks. "Yep", I reply. "You want me to edit it for you? I mean, you are probably really stressed right now", she asks. "That would be great", I tell her. "I will do it now", she says as she walks to the editing room. I go over to Gabe. "You ok?", I ask him in a much more concerned voice than intended. "I'm f - fine", he says with pain in his voice. "You sure", I ask. He nods and then whimpers ever so slightly. "Let me see", I order him. He shows me his long wound on his arm. "Ouch", I mumble. "I'm going to give a raise", I tell him. He gave me a surprised look. "What? I feel bad that you got that hurts for one of my videos", I tell him. He nods his head. He just keeps nodding his head. Over and over and over and over and over, oh and did I mention over, again. I saw he was about to question me. "This is for being an amazing employee lately", I tell him. He nods and turns around. I walk over to where James was. "Have anything to say?", I ask him. "Y/N is mine! You don't deserve her, I do!", he exclaims. "Yeah, yeah, all right", I say as I walk away. I saw Y/N walking out of the editing room. "Hi Y/N", I say as she passes me. "Hi Nathan", she replies in her sweet voice. Our eyes lock. Her beautiful e/c eyes dazzle in the light given off by the lightbulb above. She goes in for a kiss. Gracious me was I ready? Yes. Wait no. Maybe so. Her lips meet mine. The kiss was soft, but passionate. I kiss back. We break and look at each other. I grab her hand. She holds it. We do the same thing with the other hand. This time, I lean in for the kiss. Once again, our lips meet. It was another soft and passionate kiss. She kisses back. It lasted a little longer than the last one. She pulls away first. I hug her and she hugs back. I let go and let her do her thing. I walk to the editing room. I go inside. The monitor was on. He showed the behind the scenes video. She blurred all the violence, thank goodness. I title it "James Did This..." and I put a description.

Hi y'all. Sorry for all the violence, but we were secretly filming this and only I knew. Minor injuries to everyone, luckily. James is currently trapped in an iron cage as a punishment. By the way if y'all don't already know, that girl is my girlfriend. So yeah. Please subscribe! Check out my main channel and my gaming channel! Have a good day y'all!

I then did the thumbnail. I found a picture of James "punching" me and attached it there. I then hit the upload button and walk out the door. Y/N was by Gabe, probably making sure he was alright. I sneak up behind Y/N and surprise hug her. She jumps a little and then realizes it was just me. She hugs back. "Lovebirds", Gabe laughs. I make a little face at him and he does the same to me. "I love you", Y/N whispers in my ear. "I love you too", I whisper in hers.

Chapter: 4
Word Count: 1091

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