The Rough Life

102 3 9

Nathan's POV
I sit up in bed. I had just had a terrible nightmare. Y/N had died! My life had died! I was truly in love with her. I was definitely fal-. The doorbell rings. That is one way to interrupt a thought. I get out of bed and go to open the door. When I open it, I see Y/N standing there. I hug her. She hugs back. She didn't question my actions. I hear someone clear their throat. Me and
Y/N look behind us to see Gabe. What was he doing here?!? He was interrupting my POV!!! "Nathan", he says. "Yes?", I reply. "Time to wake up", he says. Oh this is a dream ok, I get it now. The author is just giving me dreams for no particular reason. Hopefully my dreams don't annoy no one. I sit up in bed. Gabe was standing by the doorway. His arms were crossed, symbolizing his annoyance while I sleep. "What's with the good attitude?", I ask with clear sarcasm. "What's with your good attitude?", Gabe responds instead of answering my question. "I got a date", I respond. "You are lucky you got a girl, some would kill to have her.... Literally though (Chapter 4).", Gabe says meanwhile giving me chills. That day shall never be forgotten. Gabe still had the wound on his arm. It was healing very well though. The only thing that mattered to me then was Y/N. (Thinking back now) As she walked into that room with all the concern in the world, absolutely all I could care for was her. I would give myself up for her. At least that is what I wanted to do. When she fell unconscious. If I had the guts, I would of fired James. All though I don't have the guts to, I could definitely suspend his paycheck for a couple of weeks. I look at Gabe. We make eye contact. I could tell he was beaming to tell me something. "What is it?", I ask him. "What if I never get a girlfriend...", he starts. "Then I'll help you", I say before he could continue. "Really?", Gabe said with with the smallest amount of happiness possible. "Obviously", I reply. Gabe hugs me. "Thank you.", he says. I smile at him. He slightly smiles back. He leaves the room. I get out of bed and get changed. I then go to the kitchen. There I saw Gabe cooking up a storm. James was busy on his phone. He had been let free from the cage yesterday. The delightful snell of bacon fills my nose. My stomach grumbles. Gabe slightly laughs. I eye the bacon. I see that a couple of pieces were done being cooked. I sneakily steal one. As soon as I touch it though, my hand starts to burn. It was just finished being made so it was extremely hot. I immediately place it back and run to the bathroom. I place my hand under the faucet and turn on the cold water. My phone alarm goes off. I continue with my hand under the cold water as I use the other hand to grab the phone from my pocket. I take my phone out and turn off the alarm. A couple had seconds later, Y/N calls me. "Hello", I say. "Hi Nathan", she says. "Ready for our date?", she adds. "Yeah, I'll be there soon to pick you up.", I reply. "Okay, be safe", she replies. She hangs up. I take my hand from out under the faucet. I dry it. It felt much better now. I go to the kitchen again. Gabe had just finished making breakfast. I go over to the table to see pancakes. I quickly grab tin foil and wrap it up. No one questioned my actions as I walk out the front door, the pancakes in hand.

Ten minute time skip....

I pull up to Y/N's house. I grab the pancakes from the little table in between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. I go to the front door. I knock. Y/N opens it. "Nathan!", she rejoices. "Hi Y/N", I reply. "What have you got there?", she asks me. She was taking about the pancakes. "I got you pancakes", I reply. "Really?!?", she said in a surprised tone. "Of course! Anything for you!", I reply. She smiles at me. Her smile lit up my whole world. Every dark corner to every bright one. I smile back.

I smile at Nathan. He smiles back. His smile was like a hurricane of happiness. It had always melted my heart. I kiss him on the cheek as he hands me the pancakes. He blushes slightly. I could tell he was trying to hold it back. He looks at me. We make eye contact. His sparkling blue eyes stare into my e/c eyes. I still couldn't believe I had met such a perfect man. He was something grey. Something really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really great. From the moment I had met him until now I had loved him. No matter what, I will never stop loving him. Every single day, every single night, every single year, every single month, every single week, every single day, every single hour, every single minute, and every single second, I will love him. Through and through. No matter my attitude. Or my life problems. Or my harsh friendship developments lately. And no matter the fact that I am living The Rough Life, I will continue to love him. With all my heart and all my soul. I will still love him. Every single second. His cute face and his handsome smile. His dazzling eyes and his adorable backwards hat. He was everything I could of wanted. Every singular thing. No matter my greed, I will always want one thing. And that was for him to return the affection I give to him to me. Nathan was truly a 1 out of 67, 567, 896 type of guy.

Chapter: 6
Word Count: 1019

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