Romantic Getaway

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A week later...

Gabe's POV
I was walking through the hallways. The phone was on the table in the middle of everything. I had entered Nathan and Y/N into a lottery. If they won, they would go on an extremely romantic cruise. The phone rings. I go over to it and look at who was calling. It was them!!!!!!! I answer. "Hello", I say. "Hello, is this Gabriel?", the guy on the phone asks me. "Yes it is", I reply. "Okay cool. Well I just wanted to let you know that you have just won the free cruise.", the man says. "Who did you say were the people you wanted to go instead of you?", he asks me. I answered the question and a whole bunch of others. He sent me the tickets for the cruise. I text Nathan.

G - Gabe
N - Nathan

G Hi Nathan. Can you come over to my house?

I wait for a response. Nothing. Utter silence. I get a text. I look at my phone. It was not Nathan, but instead James. I text James back and then I get another text. This one, was in fact, from Nathan.

N Um, why dude? Sort of planning a date with my girl right now.

I text him back immediately.

G I might just have the greatest date. Oh, and come with your girl.

After a couple seconds of more utter silence. Then, the most annoying sound in the world, a ding. I go to look.

N Um, alright, if you say so. Contacting her now.

I sit on my couch. I did not answer back because there was really, not a single thing, to reply with. Today was hopefully going to be quiet and peaceful, and interesting as well. Can not forget the last part! But most importantly, I wanted to make Nathan happy. I - I mean...

I know I may seem like the dumb one, but no one listens to my ideas. My script in the videos, that is all just for the viewers, so that they have a laugh. And this may sound crazy, but I was actually the second smartest, obviously coming after James. But I was still somewhat smart. And smart enough to figure out, that if Nathan has a good life with his girl, he will make sure I have one with a girl. Some girl, but a girl. You see, I am not That dumb. At least I hope not, but I did just give you some good reasons why I am not, so that is that. I look around. It was way to quiet for my liking. The door bell rings, breaking the dreadful silence. I get up off of the couch and then go to the door. I open it to reveal Nathan and Y/N standing there. "Hi Gabe!", Y/N says. "Hi Y/N! Hi Nathan!", I reply. "Hi, so, uh,  like, what did you want us here for exactly?",  Nathan asks me. "I have a surprise for the two of you", I reply with a grin painted on my face. "Ok, lets see it", Nathan says, but not in an ordering matter. More like the opposite. I lead them to the telephone and play the phone call I had taped for them. As the conversation ended, both Nathan and Y/N's face were lit up. "Wait so... you... mean...", he trails of at the last word. "Yep, you too are going on a cruise", I reply. Y/N looks at Nathan for his reaction. Nathan was in shock, with a face on that said it all. Nathan looks at Y/N. She smiles at him. He smiles back. Some sort of language they made up, I guess, my brain whispers. Alright, I may be a little dumb. It is probably not a language they made up. At least I was smart enough to figure that out. I must of did something odd while in a trans of though, because both Nathan and Y/N were laughing as slightly as possible.

Nathan's POV
I couldn't believe what Gabe had done! He literally got me and Y/N to go on a romantic cruise together. I look at Gabe, who, from the way I saw it, was as confused as they come. He had his head turned over a little, making him look a lot like a puppy. Y/N and I slightly laugh at Gabe's odd behavior. "What?", Gabe asks. "Nothing", I try to say without laughter, but miserably fail. There was a moment of silence. "Like this is not a prank call?", I ask. "No, I actually entered a contest and won it.", Gabe replies. I slightly laugh. "You are kidding aren't you", I reply. Gabe shakes his head. "Nope", he says as he does so. I actually could not believe this. No matter what he said to try and convince me it was real, did not work. Every single time I would just deny believing him.

I could not believe it! Gabe had literally entered Nathan and my name into a raffle, I guess, and won us a free cruise. Plus it was supposed to be extremely romantic. I look at Nathan again. He was still saying that he did not believe Gabe. I look from Nathan to Gabe as Gabe once again attempts to persuade Nathan that it was true. I still had many thoughts going through my mind. Such as, is Gabe lying to us so that Nathan give him a raise?, also like, How lucky is Gabe to win a raffle that must have contained so many different people?, and finally like, Why does Nathan not believe Gabe? He literally taped the whole conversation for us to listen to! But of course, none of my questions were answered. After a couple more minutes of the back-and-forth conversation, Nathan whispers on my ear "We are going on a cruise. A romantic cruise.". I smile at him. This was going to be one great week.

Chapter: 7
Word Count: 1013

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