8-My Lady Bredite, And The Peasant Amber

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"I need a fucking shower," I said, and walked off without another word. "I think better under water," I said, then stopped.

I turned towards Danny, keeping my blank face, but having my eyes do all of the begging.

"Oh no, what do you want?" he asked, "You don't even like me and you're begging for something,"

"What?" I exclaimed, "I didn't even say anything yet," I rolled my eyes, and he folded his arms.

"Your face may not say it all, but your eyes do," he said, and I rolled them again.

"I don't really like you guys simply because first impressions are everything, but I do need a favor," I said, folding my arms, and he sighed.

"What is it?"


I took in a deep breath, and jumped, feeling the air sweep my hair back before plunging into the deep abyss of the green water.

I smiled, opening my eyes to see the emptiness that is the lake. It's so serene.

I decided to ask Danny to take me back to the green lake that I fell into after the crash, simply because being surrounding by all of this silencing water, and looking at the orange sun through the rippling water is so satsifying.

I smiled, floating away with the small motion the lake sway, and took my gaze upon the sun.

I don't know what I should do. I'm at a crossroad here, and I feel so lost at which way to turn. Sometimes I feel too weak, to be so strong. I groaned, feeding bubbles into the lake, and swam further down in the lake's abyss. I leaned back, laying down in the water to keep my gaze above.

I know this sound crazy but, what if that little girl in the dream is me? I know, I know.

At first I never thought it was me, only because my past is a blur and I feel it's crazy that this place would even be real. Yes I seen the same dream for a long time, but I honestly thought that it was simply that! A dream!

But now finding out this Dr. Belbum person is truly real, Eyemore and his kind are real, this place! This place is real! Yet, all I've known is Philadelphia and its hard, cold streets. But the young girl looked at me, she stared directly into my soul, so it can't be me.

It can't.

Out of nowhere I hear a splash above me. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Chief and his long flowing hair swimming towards me, fear in his eyes. I quirked up an eyebrow, and he just grabbed me and swam back towards the surface. I took a small notice in how his hands on me affected the skin underneath it, small little goosebumps forming.

"What the hell dude?" I exclaimed once we broke through the water's surface, flipping my hair over from my eyes.

"I should be asking you that!" he exclaimed back, and I got out of his arms in irritation.

"Why would you swim me back up here? I was fine where I was," I said, and his eyes glared in frustration.

"You have been under water for over five minutes," he said, and I huffed my shoulders up in a wide, exaggerated shrug, making water splash everywhere.

"So?" I asked.

"What do you mean SO?" he yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't your throat tired?" I asked, "What's with all the yelling?"

"It's not normal," he said, face red with anger. "The most a human can hold their breath, is for about two, three minutes," he said, "I thought you died!" he exclaimed, and I looked from the corner of my eyes to see Amber holding in a glare on my head. I sighed.

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