New kid

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*This is sapnaps POV*
Sapnap POV
I get too school and go too football practice a bit after I get there the assistant principal tells me too come with her so I do I wonder what I got in trouble for now she leads me too the office and I see a boy sitting there she then says "This is nick he will show you around the school" then she just leaves he gets up hes
about 5inches ish shorter than me has brown Carmel hair grey eyes I am getting kinda annoyed I got pulled out of practice for this then he say "Hi I'm Karl Jacobs I'm new here" I then look at his outfit up and down purple hoodie black jeans and shoes "ok I'm only here to show you around not be freinds" I say as I leave the room he follows after the tour I go to class and sit down after a couple minute the new kid Karl comes and asks where he can sit the teach said "Next to nick nick raise your hand" i sigh and raise my hand he sees me and come too the seat next to me "Hi again" he says "hi" I say I realize he's kinda cute no no no no I can't think that besides I'm gonna have to bully this kid class then continued but I couldn't stop thinking of Him I eventually shrugged it off and continued the day
Hi supper sorry this chapters kinda short

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