TW mention of achol Karl POV I wake up too a ringing sound and realize it's an alarm i groan and get up I stop the alarm and check the time it's 6:00am and my new school starts at 7:30am so I go too my closet and decide on a purple hoodie and black jeans with some black nikkis ( looks like this)
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And get in the shower then I slip my clothes and shoes on and grabbed my phone putting it in my pocket then went downstairs luckily my parents still weren't home most likely out getting drunk so I just grab a granalo bar and my backpack and head out the door *Time skip* I get at school at 6:55am and then I look around for a bit and eventually find the office I enter and I tell the lady "hello I'm new here" she then said "ok we'll take a seat and I'll get someone pulled out from football practice since no one else is here yet" she motions me too sit at a chair I sit and wait a few minutes later a guy walk through about 5inches taller than me and blackish brown eyes and hair she then said "This is nick he will show you around the school" and left to who knows where I get up and I say "Hi I'm Karl Jacobs I'm new here" he then looks up and down at me looking a annoyed and said "ok I'm only here too show you around not be friends" then left I quickly followed after the tour It's 7:25am so I decide to head to first period witch is home room I walk in I ask where I can sit and she say "Next to nick nick raise you hand" and he did I realize it's the same guy from earlier but I still go and sit "Hi again!" I say "hi" he says ———————————————————————— Hi so that's it for this chapter!