9 / end

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Hiya this is the last chapter Hope you enjoy!

Sapnaps POV
I woke up as well as Karl and got ready for the day since we had school today. Soon it was gonna be summer so I was very happy that I get spend it with Karl.

Once we were done getting ready we still had about an hour left till we were gonna leave so we had made some waffles for breakfast and then we just talked for a while about random things that popped up in our heads.

I realized that Karl loves art so we decide that after school we were gonna get canvases, paint, paint brushes, color pencils, pencils, colored pens, pens, sketch books etc. for him since he's never had them he only sketched in his school notebooks since his dad never let him get those things.

After talking for a bit we had to go to school. So we got our bags and left the house.

*Time Skip after school cause I'm lazy*

School wasn't terrible but if anyone was like weirded out or something like that because of Karl and I, I would just give them a death stare.

Karl and I went to the store and grabbed lots of art supplies and things to draw once we were done we payed and left.

When we got home we unpacked everything and organized everything on this desk that I dint use anymore.

Once we were done setting everything up we ate some food and then watched TV for a bit until we got tired and went to sleep.

Hiya this was a small chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! This is the last chapter I have three other books but this was my first one and now it's complete so for the last time on this book, Remember to eat some yummy food, drink water and remember that you are loved and appreciated and are worth living. Bye love you all.

-Pickle 💜🧡


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