TW bulling Karl POV I woke up at 6:40am and don't wanna go to school but then I realized it would probably be better to go somewhere away from my parents especially my dad so I got up head and stomach still hurting and went to my closet and picked out a red hoodie and blue jeans with the same shoe (looks like this but I don't put the shoes)
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And went into the shower from what happened last nights it left a bruise on my cheek and stomach *Time skip* After I finished I changed brushed my teeth and brushed my hair just a little the slid my phone in my pocket I then went downstairs and ate (I don't know what) quickly then grabbed my backpack and headed out the door *Time skip* Sapnap POV A little after I finished practice it was about 7:10am so I just went too my locker grabbed my things and saw Clay and George they are ardorble couple I wish I could that with someone one day I waved and they waved pack then walked away I saw the new kid Karl come in the school I decide too show him who basically the king of the school and walked up to him he saw me and smiled and said "Hi! How has your day been going so far" I dint responded and punched him on the stomach and face knocking him to the ground I stared kicking him on the head,neck,stomach,legs until I stared hearing that he couldn't breath anymore so I decided to stop and walked away it was 7:26am so I decided to go to class after about 10ish minutes Karl walked In and sat down next to me his leg and arm stared to bounce I dint know why maybe cause of me is that a bad thing?or good? I dint know so I just continue with class he dint speak to me which was reasonable but I liked hearing his voice so I was kinda bummed out *Time skip* Karl POV I was kinda- no scared of nick i hate too admit it but I kinda sorta maybe have a little crush on nick so I don't how I feel but I know I shouldn't like him because I got beat up by him be he's pretty but I also can't because I know he doesn't like me back but if he did and we dated my dad no no no he would kill me or at least try cause he says his son has to be straight or he won't be his son so I don't know after that I couldn't focus ———————————————————————— Hi Author here!! Sorry it short but I tried so again have a good day and eat and drink some water