Dont know what to call this again

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TW Panic attack
Sapnap POV
I dint know why but I kept feeling bad for what I did to Karl but it's weird because normally I can do that to anyone and I wouldn't feel bad or anything like that but with Karl it's different he looked so sad and scared when he looked at me with his grey eyes seeing him like that makes my heart shatter I decide to go to bed and couldn't go to sleep I decided to apologize for what I did tomorrow

*Time skip too next morning I got lazy for the outfit*
After I got to school it was about 6:40am I look around I see Karl at I assume his locker I walk over and he doesn't see me until he turns around he has bruises on his face and neck probably his stomach and hands too I felt bad when he saw it was me he looked terrified he stared breathing quickly and sat on the ground I was confused for a sec and then realized he was having a panic attack I quickly got on my knees and said "hey hey it's ok breathe with me ok"he seemed like he dint hear me so I yelled "KARL!" He flinched and stared crying a little I felt even worse so I got closer and said "hey it's ok k breathe with me" I started breathing at a good pace he tried to follow along after about 10 minutes he calmed down but still seemed scared I then said "hey look I'm so sorry for what I did the other day ok I am kinda like the bully around here so yah sorry" he looked at me still scared but seemed a little less scared "it's ok I guess" mumbling the last part "so are we good" I ask "mhm yah" he responds "k" I say as I get up and help him up it was now about 7:10 "so wanna talk for a bit" I ask "sure" he says we walk around and talk I find out we both like Minecraft I ask if I could have his number so we can talk out of school he say sure and gives it too me on a piece of paper then school starts we walk too first hour together we walk in and sit down in our seats then class start and it's pretty boring and me and Karl talked most of the time then we parted ways sadly we didn't have any classes for the rest of the day together besides lunch
*Time Skip to lunch*
When I got to lunch I saw Karl already at a table listening to something with his earbuds in and hug him from behind he gets scared and flinches a little "sorry didn't mean to scare you" I say "it's fine I'm just a little bit jumpy" he says "it's fine anyways how has your day been going so far?" I ask "pretty good actually" he responds "that's good" I say sitting then we just talk it's so easy to talk to him he's also vey giggly I think his giggle is cute wait no no no no I don't but I do but no I can't anyways we kept talking mostly about Minecraft then we had to back to class "Bye nick" he says as he gets up and heads out he lunch room I do too after I get my things
Hi author again got tired anyways goodnight and eat and drink water most likely more tomorrow morning or after noon also who else is hyped for mask to come out Friday at midnight

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