Intro + warnings

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hi guys :) if you don't know me yet, this is awkward, but if you recognize the title/name, then hello again! you may know me from my tumblr blog that i started in 2019. i'm still running it but i'm branching out to other platforms because i've found that the community on tumblr is mostly just smut and that my work isn't getting as much traffic. being the attention whore that i am, i had to look elsewhere. i will be updating this story daily until i get to the point where i stopped writing on tumblr. then i will figure it out from there!

anyways: warnings! this fic is long, VERY au-esque, and a little ooc. i use strong language and have aged all characters up to 18. there is drinking, mentions of drug use, things that could be considered dubcon (but nothing really lewd), and very clear allusions to sex. i don't normally write smut and i don't think that i will for this fic, but if i do ill add another warning. if there are any things that i've missed, let me know and i'll fix this. i started this fic back in the summer of 2019 and it has only just hit 30k words, so i'm hoping to give myself the motivation to finish this soon :) enjoy your read!


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