part 11 - the vow

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When Y/N opened her eyes, the first thing that hit her was the headache. Pounding, thick tendrils were in her head, curled around the back of her neck and making every thought throb.

The second was the panic as fragmented memories from last night's events formed in her mind's eye. Her throat began to close up. What had she been thinking? She frowned, holding a hand to her forehead. All night long she'd been tortured by the strangest dreams--the content mostly pertaining to the way his skin felt against hers and the heat of his mouth--but the line between reality and fantasy was fuzzy. But she knew one thing, and that was that Draco would never look at her like that, he'd never touch her like that. The vividness of her dreams startled her--that happened when she drank too much sometimes, but it had never been as realistic as that.

When she rolled over, she was faced with the open bottle of alcohol on her nightstand as well as the scent of Draco on her pillow. Things began easing back in further detail--how he looked at her before he set the bottle down, how he kissed her at first--wait. Did he? She groaned, turning over onto her back. What had actually happened?

Y/N pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes as she thought hard, desperately trying to find where reality stopped and her dreams began last night. Did they even kiss? Of course they didn't. Why would he kiss her? Maybe it was just one--the New Year's kiss? She could still feel the softness of his hair as she threaded her fingers through it and she could swear that she knew what his skin felt like brushed across her bare neck. And at the end...The promise they made echoed through her pained head as she got up to locate some water and some Advil. Just friends...we're just friends...

She had the self discipline to at least try and brush her hair into submission before creeping down the stairs, hoping she wouldn't wake him up. She'd need time to not only figure out what even happened last night but also to decide how she wanted to act. Unfortunately, she quickly realized she was not so lucky as she entered the kitchen and saw who was already there.

"Good morning," was all Draco said from his spot by the stove as he waited for the kettle to boil. When she didn't respond, he turned back around to look at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said, far too quickly for her taste. She made the quick decision to not treat him any differently, or at least to try, as to save herself from any further embarrassment. "What about you? Do you have a hangover? Do you need Advil?"

He shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle. Do you want any tea?"

"Please." She waited for a few beats before trying to speak again. Would it be right to ask him about what happened? She decided against it and went with a safer topic. "By the way, you're mad behind on Physics. We covered the entirety of magnetism while you were away. I should probably help you to catch up on everything."

His lips tugged into a smile as he poured the water into the teapot. "I was wondering when you were going to chew me out for missing school."

"For good reason," she quipped. "Do you just want to take the tea into your room and have me give you an overview? You have quite a bit of catching up to do."

Draco blinked. "Er...sure."

Y/N grabbed an apple off the counter and, without looking at him, ran it under the kitchen sink. "Just let me know whenever you're ready, yeah?"


She left him standing alone in the kitchen while she bolted up to her room, tossing her apple onto her nightstand next to last night's villain and resisting the urge to scream. They rarely ever studied in each others' rooms before--once, she sat on his bed when he nearly failed his first Physics exam and refused to sit up and look at her, and once more when he offered to help her with French. The memories of him leaned up against his headboard while she practiced her pronunciation and he gently corrected her still made her smile, but this was...different. This was after something quite alarming for both of them. But, at the end of the day, he'd agreed to let her on his bed. At least she hadn't offered her own room--seeing the remnants of last night would make her act twice as awkward.

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