Part 3 - Operation get Draco a therapist

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Y/N took a sip of tea, staring down her mother.

"No. There's no way. He wants nothing to do with me."

"Y/N, sweetie, you've got to," Mrs. Y/L/N said. She had a plate of semi-buttered toast in front of her, but she was paying no mind to it. Instead, her coral nails were tapping the surface of the coffee table. "He's just in a bad place. He'll feel better once you two are more connected."

"I don't know if going out for a day on the town is going to fix this," Y/N argued. "He's got some major issues that he needs to resolve on his own. We'd probably be doing him more of a favor by taking him to a therap–"

"Good morning, Draco," her mother cut in cheerily despite the death glare she sent Y/N. "How polite of you to wait by the doorway for us to finish our conversation."

Y/N refused to turn around to face Draco. She knew her face was burning red, and besides, she wanted to pretend like he didn't hear what he just said for as long as possible. Draco seemed compliant to this idea as he glowered by the toaster, waiting for his bread to be done.

"How did you sleep?" Y/N asked, noticing how dark his undereye circles were.

"I'm sure not very well," her mother cut in. "Jet lag and–"

"Mom, I was asking him."

Draco shifted his eyes onto Y/N's face in an unrelenting stare. "Not very well."

"I'm sorry to hear that. The tea didn't help?"

He scowled and turned his back to her, suddenly waiting very attentatively for the toast to finish.

"I was just telling Y/N that she should take you with her into the city," her mother said as she began to butter her toast again. "You'll love Cincinnati. It's unlike anywhere else."

"No thank you," said Draco simply. Y/N took note of how tensely he was gripping the counter, watching how the veins in his pale hands strain.

"Draco, I insist! It'll do you some good to see the city before orientation tomorrow," Mrs. Y/L/N pushed. "I'll be out to see Y/D/N and pick him up at the airport for the majority of the day, and I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone here after only one day. It'll give me some peace of mind to know that my Y/N is with you. She doesn't bite."

Y/N snorted ungracefully at this, tearing off a piece of bread to dunk in her tea. He seemed unimpressed and ready to refuse again when the pop of the toaster rang out through the kitchen, making him jump nearly a foot in the air.

"Sorry, it's a bit of a loud one," Y/N offered. "You get used to it after a while."

His cheeks were just turning a carnation pink when he spun back around to plate the bread and reach for a knife.

"You two can go whenever you're ready, Draco," Mrs. Y/L/N said, setting her bread down and getting up to clear her dishes. "And I won't take no for an answer."

With that, she turned and left the two with the kitchen to themselves. Y/N was still working on her toast and fruit and began to curse whatever it was inside that made her a slow eater as Draco settled down across from her, elegantly ripping open a tea bag and plopping it into a mug.

"So, uh..." Y/N scrambled to think of a conversation topic. This conquest was made harder by Draco's intimidating tilt of the head. "How's the British school system? I've always wanted to know. Britain seems like it has it together."

"I went to a rather unorthodox school," Draco answered, "so I don't think my experience would be a good example of my country's education."


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