Part 1 - Is that color natural?

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"So...his parents are worried about his safety in England?" Y/N shifted in her car seat, wincing as the hot leather scorched her bare arms.

"They weren't entirely clear on it," her mother said. She had just pushed the key into the ignition, and hot air was blasting out of the AC at an uncomfortable rate. "I'm sure you read the news about the poor people who were going missing over there...and he seems to be from a well-off family who can afford this kind of venture..."

"Did you ever tell me his name?"

"Draco Malfoy."

Y/N nearly spat out the sip of water she had just taken, spinning around to stare at his mom. "Draco? What kind of name is that?"

"Sweetheart, be nice now," she reprimanded, giving her a stern look. "It seems as though this family has been through a lot. I remember them mentioning something about being political targets."

"That's funny. I don't remember reading anything about the Malfoy family in BBC or anything." Y/N frowned and set her water bottle in the cup holder, turning away to watch the scenery of her state pass by.

"Perhaps it's confidential," her mother said. "It's best that we don't pressure him too much. It's just our job to make him comfortable for a year, that's all."

"That's all? You want me to give up my senior year to make some random rich boy comfortable?"

"Y/N," her mother warned. "You'll be civil. I know it's strange, but I can assure you that he'll find his own group of friends after the first week or so of school. He'll be like a brother."

"I can only try." Y/N glanced up at the clock in the car, noticing that it was already 10 past 4. "Aren't we a bit late? I thought that the program said that they wanted us at the pick-up point at 4."

"Did they?" Mrs. Y/L/N seemed hardly concerned. "I don't think that it'll matter. This is an exchange program after all, you remember how they were last year in the summer. The bus didn't even show up with all the kids until half past the hour. Speaking of which, did you happen to bring the sign?"

"How could I have made a sign with his name on it if I didn't know what it was, Mom?"

Her mother swore under her breath, her eyes darting around the car. "You're right. I completely forgot to tell you, you know, with the PTA meeting and everything last night..."

"Yeah, yeah," Y/N mumbled. "It was a real rager."

"Do we have any paper in here?" Mrs. Y/L/N began opening the glove department and sorting through it.

"Mom! I'll do it! Keep your eyes on the road, please!" Pushing her mother's hands away, she began going through it. There was nothing but a crumpled napkin, a "Wonders of Ohio" pamphlet, and a slightly dried EXPO dry-erase marker.

"Yeah, we have some," Y/N muttered, uncapping the EXPO marker and writing the words "Welcome Draco!" on the unfolded tour pamphlet.

"Oh, Y/N, that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen."

"Maybe if the PTA bake sale meeting wasn't so crazy, we'd be in a different situation right now." Y/N snickered, leading her mother to send her an exasperated look. "I swear. He's not gonna want to come home with us. I think he'd probably take being a political target over going home with rednecks like us."

"You're bad, Y/N."

Their conversation was cut short as they arrived in a school parking lot that Y/N had been in many times to pick up exchange students for the summer. Today, it was a bit different. The crispier fall air had turned the leaves orange and red, each color illuminated brightly by the sun, which was now hitting the earth at a sharper angle.

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