Part 4 - Draco, meet the ASB

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"No, no," Y/N interrupted, gently pushing Draco's hands away from his locker. "It's right to the number, left past the next number once, and right straight to the last number. You twist it right to reset, like this..."

"This is pathetic, I don't even need to put anything in a box in the wall," Draco snarled, his gray eyes flaming.

"It's really not that deep," she said, snorting at his attitude. "Do they not have locks in England?"

Instead of answering, he huffed dramatically and scowled. "Open it up for me, will you? It's not worth my time to learn."

"You're going to be here for a whole year, you know." Y/N's remark contradicted with her actions as she reapproached the locker and twisted out the combination. "But how can I say no to you, ever the gentlemen?"

She held out a hand out expectantly as he stared at her, his eyes full of confusion.

"Your phone," she said.

" what?"

"I know, it's weird, but they prohibit phones in orientation. Something about bonding or whatever. Just give it here, and we'll keep it in here. If it goes off in any of the activities they'll take it from you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Okay, okay, I respect that attitude." Y/N smirked, patting him on the shoulder as he flinched away from her. "Just don't be mad at me when they confiscate it until 2."

He stared at her for a few seconds longer before clearing his throat and nodding.


The speeches at the beginning were always the longest part–the unnecessary dramatization of the importance of high school, the faux motivation mantras, the "love yourself" bits ironically being performed by some of the most insufferable members of the ASB–and Y/N was ready to get it over with, Draco seemed to feel the same way, as every time she looked at him, he looked another shade of uninterested.

She tried poking fun at the performances a couple times to see his reaction, and surprisingly enough, it was slightly well received.

"You see the redhead down there?" she whispered to him, gesturing towards the current speaker with her chin. He gave her a tight nod in response. "That's Heather, our ASB president. She's a total tool. Spews all this 'vaping in the bathrooms isn't cool!' shit but one time I walked in on her doing lines in the performance wing bathrooms. She's crazy, I'm telling you."

Draco seemed amused at this, resting his cheek in his palm and watching her intently. "Lines?"



"You know what? I'm gonna quit while we're ahead. I don't want to be the one to corrupt you."

Draco scoffed. "You're worried about corrupting me?"

"Well, yeah," she said. "I'm not the one who doesn't know what cocaine is."

He sniffed at this, turning his attention back to Heather's mind-numbing anti-bullying presentation that was clearly put together moments before. Silence ensued for the next few moments before Draco sucked in a breath and turned to look at her. "What's an ASB?"

"Oh, you should be so glad that you have to ask that," Y/N stage whispered. "It's student government. It's an acronym for something. I never cared enough to remember it. The elections are super corrupt–it's basically a popularity contest. They don't do anything either...I don't even know why it exists anyways."

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