Part 14 - The village bicycle meets his maker

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Simon towered over them. Y/N couldn't even scream at Draco to tell him to watch out as Simon whipped out his wand, waving it at him and sending him into the wall.

Ropes appeared out of thin air and bound Draco, rendering him completely immobile. Simon stepped back, surveying his work with a quirk in his mouth.

"What the fuck is wrong with you," snarled Draco.

Simon's eyebrows shot up to the sky. "I thought you'd be thanking me. Surely you know what it is I'm trying to do. Pity she puts up such a struggle."

Her head was pounding. Whatever Draco had done to her in her state was catching up to her, making her feel like she was out of body and detached from the scene in front of her. Simon spared her a glance.

"Still hanging on, I see. Don't worry. It'll be over soon."

"You're batshit," spat Draco. "You're going to kill her."

"That's the plan."

Draco went even paler.

"Like I said, I'm surprised you're not with me on this," continued Simon casually as he slid the wood of his wand over his palm. "She's just a muggle. At first, I was like, maybe he's just worried about getting sent to prison. I imagine you're on a pretty tight leash still, yeah? But this certainly won't make you look like a willing participant. And maybe I'll let you use the box once Vy and I are through. As a token of my thanks."

Though she was dazed, Y/N was beginning to put the pieces together. It had been Simon all along. The break-in on Halloween was when he knew she was over at his house. The way he'd suddenly appeared and seemed to already know so much about her. He'd been watching her, too, trying to see if she had the box.

But something didn't sit right. Y/N loved Sylvia like a sister. Surely he knew that, too. If Sylvia had asked her for the box and she had had it in her possession, she would have relinquished it without a second thought.

"Does Sylvia know about this?" Draco's voice cut through her thoughts.

Simon shrugged. "She will."

"You were always going to kill her, weren't you?" asked Draco. His eyes kept darting between her and Simon.

"Muggles don't share," supplied Simon conversationally. "As I'm sure you've noticed. I assumed she'd never give it up. This is the only other way. She's a dime a dozen. No one will miss her."

Something eerie smoothed over Draco's face. "I suppose you're right. I've never thought about it like that."

Her stomach dropped.

"I didn't think we were so different." Simon was beaming. Y/N thought that she was going to be sick as she sat there, taking in the scene in front of her. He was turning on her. He was turning on her in front of her very eyes.

"And you said I'll have my way with the box as well?"

"Of course," replied Simon.

Y/N wondered if she was supposed to run, if there was any point. Draco's eyes glittered in the light. For once, she felt scared of him. Of course he'd choose power over everything else. Of course he'd choose power over her. She distantly remembered the words that Ronald Weasley had said to her—(aren't you afraid?). She wished she'd listened. She wished she'd...she wished she'd done a lot of things differently.

Simon turned to her, pointing his wand tip languidly in her direction. "I didn't want to do this by magic, you know. I don't think you deserve to have any more in your life. But given that muggle methods have proven to be a bit—er—dodgy with you, I'll make an exception."

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