Part 5 - Basic algebra? I don't know her

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The seatbelt buckle scorched the side of Y/N's exposed neck as she turned to face the disheveled blonde in the passenger seat.

"Do I need to teach you to set an alarm?"

Draco let out a huff. "Stop. Do you have a....a comb, or a brush, or something here?" His hands looked abnormally fidgety. Their actions were shaky, varying from patting his pockets to running through his hair. He seemed more and more frustrated each time his hands left his pockets empty.

How curious Y/N thought as she racked her brain for any remembrance of putting a brush in her car. It was always a mess, and she honestly couldn't blame Draco for assuming that anything could be in there.

"I don't think there's one here," said Y/N, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic despite the fact that his tardiness had them 10 minutes late. "You can look around if you want, king."

"What'd you call me?" His voice was suddenly sharp and awake.

Y/N rolled her eyes so hard that she thought they'd get stuck in the back of her head. "You don't–ok. It's a joke. You can call guys here that."

"And it means that I'm...?"

"It means I'm acknowledging that you exist, I guess. It's not like it has a strict negative or positive connotation. Like, I can say 'Ok king' to any man telling me something and it can either be sarcastic, or it can be because I don't know what else to say and just want to let him know I heard him."

Draco's eyes looked a tad glazed over when Y/N dared a glance in his direction.

"I know it's confusing. I'm sorry. I'll try and ease you into the world of American slang."

He granted her a little "uh-huh" before opening up the glovebox with great difficulty and rummaging through the mess. Y/N would've felt more embarrassed about the tampon that fell on the ground in the process if he seemed like he actually knew what it was.

Her attention turned back to the road as Draco continued to sift through things. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if there was anything embarrassing hidden away in the corners of her car–after all, it hadn't been organized since the beginning of summer–and decided that it was better to pretend it wasn't happening.

It wasn't the eerie silence that eventually prompted her to turn to look his direction–no, it was the weird energy in the car, like the feeling right before a thunderstorm. All the hair raised on her arms, and she shivered...but it was stifling hot in the car.

"Oh, did you find a brush?" she asked. His hair laid as perfectly as always, but his hands were lying shaking in his lap, palms to the sky. No hairbrush was in sight.

"Er... " He was paler than usual, which was quite the feat for someone who looked like a ream of paper. "No. Just remembered a trick my father taught me."

She tensed at the mention of his father–the very first time Draco had done so. "Oh. Okay. Glad you got it figured out, king."

Her voice lightened on the last word, hoping she could coax a little smile out of him.

"Don't call me that."



There were many things Y/N thought she understood, but Draco Malfoy being in her Physics C class was not one of them. She took pity and sat next to him as he fumbled his way through the first lecture. His notes, while neat, were littered with crossed out portions and question marks.

You do know there's an eraser on your pencil, right? she jotted on a note that she sent his way. His brow furrowed and he seemed to tap at the end of the eraser for just a few moments before deciding otherwise and xing out another practice problem he'd done incorrectly. Symbols that she'd never seen before were scattered all throughout his notes.

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