Part 2 - Dark Mark

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The Y/L/N household wasn't tiny, but it wasn't a mansion by any definition. There was a guest bed and bath right across from Y/N's room and bathroom, but that was about it for visitors–no drawing room, no library, no large dining room, no parlor. Her family had hailed from a wealthier family, but after the stock market crash and subsequent policy changes, they had moved out to Ohio and settled down for a proper middle class lifestyle.

Draco Malfoy was clearly unimpressed by the spectacle, and he made his opinion entirely obvious as they moved from room to room of their home, his forest green cloak nearly sweeping the ground next to his dress shoes and his nose upturned.

"And this is your room," Y/N said. She opened the door, standing by it in a desperate attempt to sell the idea. "I know it's probably not as big as you're used to, but you get your own bathroom, so that's nice."

Draco stared at her with nothing but disgust written across his face.

"I'll leave you be," said Y/N, noticing how hostile he was being. "If you need anything, I'm right across the hall. Don't hesitate to ask. You're not the first exchange student, and while I've never personally been one, I can understand more than you'd expect."

He laughed at this, though there was no humor behind it. He seemed dead set on staying silent. Frustrated by his lack of response, Y/N snatched his arm and yanked him inside his room, shutting the door behind them and ignoring how violently he ripped himself away from her.

"Allow me to be honest," she said softly, unable to meet him in the eyes. "I don't really want an exchange sibling this year. It doesn't seem like you want to be one, right?"

"Your point?" His voice was clipped and unenthused.

"My point is that I'm going to leave you completely alone unless you want to be friends, which I don't think you're interested in at all. If you want a, uh, friend, I'll be here for you, but I'm not gonna push it."

She looked at him, noting how he had backed himself into the corner, his jaw clenched tight.

"I have a feeling there's a lot that my mom isn't telling me about why you're here, but I guess that's alright. We're happy to have you anyways. I'm gonna go now, have a nice nap. And, I, uh, I meant what I said. About being friends if you want us to. It's probably lonely to be so far away from home, so if there's anything I can do..." Y/N swallowed, cutting her ramble short. "See you later. I'm gonna go out for a bit."

He simply nodded, walking over to his bed and sitting down on it awkwardly. Y/N curiously took notice of the fact that he hadn't so much as touched a phone since they had met. But he was he had to have one.

She nodded back, exiting the door and making her way to the front door. She needed to get out.


"He kind of seems like your type though," Lizzy said, propping her chin up on her palm. "Platinum blonde? Blue eyes? Broody and unapproachable?"

"Literally stop it," Y/N retorted, rolling up to get another handful of popcorn. "He's so sick of us already, I can feel it. This is just going to be a question of how long we can tolerate each other."

"Whatever you say, girly," she said. "When do we all get to meet him? Do you have to take him to orientation on Wednesday?"

"You might see him on the first day of school, or maybe you can come over before that. And, yeah, I think my mom wants me to go with him." Y/N frowned, her nose crinkling. "Which totally sucks. I'm gonna have to get up early to hang around freshman."

"That's fair. I could come with you, if you'd like?"

"You don't need to do that, I can handle him," said Y/N. "But you should come over tomorrow, we can try and get him to go out on the town with us or something."

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