The tests

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     The group sat at a table in an inn. Silence as they all sat in their seats. Jay was fully healed from his fight and just as the final cut healed Eric spoke. "What's your ability Jay? You use a sword and from what I could tell your ability was related to this sword but then you began to heal." Eric spoke to Jay with a very calm expression but his excitement could not be hidden as he emitted a powerful aura that showed off his emotion as if it was on display at a local store.
     "My ability? I wish I could tell you but I don't fully know myself." Jay began to recall the time before they separated. Eric told Jay that he should train as an adventurer so that they when they meet up at the cloud island, he'd be useful rather than a liability. "The basics are that I can use anything as a sword. A feather can become a weapon for me and if I wanted I can even take a piece of grass and use it as a blade. When using an actual blade that's when I can really use the true nature of my ability. I can give a sword an effect so that I can use more powerful attacks, move faster, and even heal. I call this ability [Preferred Sword]." As Jay spoke Arden smiled slightly. He then stood up and looked at Jay with very malicious eyes. Everyone in the inn went silent as Arden went on to laughing.
     "Jay, my friend, you are quite the powerhouse with an ability like that! Yet you still loss to the Guardian." His laughing died down and he began to walk towards the door that leads outside. "Follow me". Follow they did and eventually Arden led them to an empty island that floated along the clouds. A singular tree with nothing but grass that stretched along the surface of the sky island. "We gotta test your limits, Jay. Your first test is to get out of this..." As Arden spoke, Jay was shrouded in darkness. His body was heavy. He no longer could truly move.
"My ability is the ability to manipulate dimensional existence. The ability to surpass all abilities regarding existence itself. I call this ability [No existence is out of reach]. Right now you are in a dimension that far surpasses your existence. To truly test your power you need to get out of there before the day is over. Eric did it and as you saw it is well within reason that he was able to" Arden planned to test Jay's ability rather than Jay himself. He placed the dimensional existence at least 5 dimensions higher than Jay. The fact he didn't die outright shows that he himself is quite powerful or at least that's what it seemed. "Him still being alive is quite impressive. He's definitely not the same Jay that wasn't good at anything in particular." Eric said as he watched the situation Jay was in unfold.
While this was going on Jay was struggling thinking. It seemed like he was being given an unnatural amount of information. The area he was in seemed small but at the same time it seemed to stretch for multiple layers of infinities. This predicament was quite challenging and Jay loved it. The boy known for being not good at anything was also known for loving challenges. This was who he was. The world's most powerful loser.

[preferred sword]

The blade changed into that of a katana that was sheathed. He then swung the blade and he sliced through the barriers perfectly. 5 layers of infinities cut through in a straight line. Eric and Arden stood there impressed.
"I gotta say Jay, you really are quite a powerhouse." Arden said as Jay's blade changed into a regular sword. He eventually sheathed his basic sword as he hid his slight embarrassment from the compliment on skill. "I agree with Arden. Your ability is quite powerful but you since you lack the necessary creativity to really use the ability." Eric walked over to Jay calmly. "I do think you can become stronger in that department though"
     As the 3 discussed Jay's future development they felt themselves being watched. An entity was watching them and this entity didn't put the effort towards hiding his presence. "Considering all of you detected me, I can consider that test passed. Time for the second test." As the figure approached he wore an all black long jacket and underneath that had a lot of handcuffs. This individual seemed middle age the his most noticeable feature was his all black eyes and glowing irises. He stood tall as he approached the group who could only prepare to undergo combat. "Second test starts........."
     And just like that he vanished or at least he seemed to but really he was in the middle of the 3 boys. "Now" he spoke with a low tone. It had a serious heaviness in it and it caught the 3 off guard as the male didn't hesitate to spin kick Jay in the face. The speed overwhelmed the swordsman and he was sent flying towards the edge of the island. Luckily he didn't get hard enough to get sent off which allowed him to watch as this mysterious man fought his friends Arden and Eric simultaneously. Granted, both of them wasn't using their abilities but they were both well trained fighters struggling to land a blow on this man. Jay couldn't watch any longer. He'd rush towards the fight and swing his blade only for the male to catch it.
"Your friends are pretty strong. You on the other hand are guilty of being weak. With my ability I can sentence you for whatever I deem unlawful. For your weakness I sentence you to death." As he said this 1000 thousand guillotine blades formed an lined themselves up in the air. "This is my all powerful ability......"


As the guillotine blades approached Jay he saw his death approaching. Eric and Arden attempted to attack the man with everything they had. Eric used [Circumstantial Evolution] to change his flames into flames that didn't burn naturally but instead above all ideals. Arden on the other hand used his ability [No existence is out of reach] to create a 6 dimensional barrier. All barriers were made so time didn't exist. The efforts of the two meant nothing. The fire was meant to burn his ideals but that didn't work due to the nature of [Enforcer] and the barriers were to block the blades but they simply went through the barriers as if they weren't there to begin with. Impact could be heard but that was all. "His execution was swift. Do not worry for he did not suffer." The two boys were quiet at the loss of their friend. He wasn't known to be good at anything but he was someone who meant a lot to them. The area was silent. Wind was all that could be heard as Eric and Arden stood there.

[Circumstantial Evolution]

     Eric's fire engulfed the raw air. "You think you have the right to judge someone's power? Let me judge yours then!" He spoke with pure rage as he tossed a huge ball of fire down on top of  the man. A huge explosion sent vibrations deep into the ground which would normally be slightly different. "This is my judgement. This flame will instantly kill the person who killed Jay. That is my punishment for the sin you committed" Arden and Eric stood at the fire reflecting the death of their comrade.
     "If that's what the fire did then I don't think he's dead" The voice was familiar. The two knew instantly who it was as they looked to see Jay walking towards completely unscathed. "How are you not dead!? We saw those blades get through the barriers and you had no way out at the time." Arden asked as his tears dried up from the extreme heat that Eric was emitting.
     "Hahahahahaha!" A loud laugh came from the crater that Eric created as the male climbed out of said crater with no damage taken. "You all pass! Yes! You will do just fine....." The male said as he looked at the boys who stood in combat stances. "Sorry for the sudden attack on you guys. I needed to test you 3 in order to see if you would be strong enough to help me. I am Isaac Justice III and i'm in need of your assistance." As Isaac spoke everyone could tell he was being truthful. It would explain why he kept talking about a test or whether or not they pass. Jay stepped forward. "What do you need us for?"
     This question left a smile on Isaac's face. He looked at Jay and snapped his fingers. Suddenly images filled Jay, Arden, and Eric's minds. Images of the blood church, a burning village, powerful members of the church, and a singular image of a man hanging himself as his body is slowly drained by another man in pastor clothing. The 3 were now aware of the entire situation and Eric couldn't help but notice Jay was shaking. Isaac looked at Jay. "I understand if you don't wish to help. The blood church is no easy threat to deal with." Eric and Arden laughed at his sentence. "Easy? I hope not. If it was easy then I would have to decline" Jay said with a satisfied smile on his face. "Let's kick some blood church ass" Jay said as he sheathed his blade with a determined look on his face shocking Isaac as he figured the male was the weakest in the group but then he realized as he looked towards where the barrier was. While the 3 walked back to the inn to pack their things and gather more items for the journey, Isaac went ahead towards that area and he looked at it very closely.


Using his ability to gain an absolute sense of judgement on the situation he learned two things about Jay. He wasn't immortal since there's no blood on any of the blades and he didn't dodge any of the attacks. He was moving as fast as he could to attack Isaac so Isaac knew he didn't dodge the attacks. He then looked back as the group was no where in sight any longer.
     "How did you survive my judgement?" Isaac asked himself as he headed towards the inn that they went to.

In a world of magic I prefer my swordWhere stories live. Discover now